Rheumatoid Arthritis: the Public InformeD (RAPID)

Rheumatoid Arthritis: the Public InformeD (RAPID)The Rheumatoid Arthritis the Public InformeD (RAPID) project started in December 2012 and officially finished at the end of November 2015. The project explored the perceptions of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) amongst members of the general public, their knowledge of RA and their reaction to the presentation of RA symptoms. Now we are at the end of the project, we have a better understanding of why people might delay in seeking medical attention when experiencing the early symptoms of RA. Findings of the project together with other studies from our group have been helpful in informing a pilot inflammatory arthritis awareness campaign. A number of our patient research partners have been involved in the focus groups which aided the development of the campaign’s materials. 

Why are we involving patients and members of the public?

At Birmingham University we recognise the importance of involvement of patients and members of the general public in all aspects of the research process, including the design and implementation of the research as well as its dissemination. The RAPID research partner panel currently consists of 12 people, including those with a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and those without.

This research is supported by The Dunhill Medical Trust [grant number R226/1111]