FOxTROT - For Investigators

The following pages contain all of the information required by investigators on the FOxTROT trial. These pages include information on: 

  • Trial documentation, including the current protocol and all forms
  • Launch meetings
  • Radiology and pathology training days
  • Publications relevant to FOxTROT
  • Example patient pathways and assessment schedules

Please use the buttons on the left of the screen to navigate. Please contact the FOxTROT Study office for all other queries:


Tel:       0121 415 9105

The FOxTROT Trial is funded by CRUK

The FOxTROT Trial is being coordinated by the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit (BCTU).

If you have any other queries, or would like further details on the FOxTROT Trial, please get in contact with the trials team at BCTU on or 0121 415 9105.


EudraCT: 2007-001987-55
REC West Glasgow: 07/S0703/57
FOxTROT Protocol v8.0 (18/09/16)
Contact the FOxTROT Team