IAS Visiting Fellows
The IAS fellowship programme aims to attract outstanding researchers who are operating at the cutting edge of their disciplines, to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Birmingham.
More about Marie-Eve Desrosiers
More about Marie-Eve Desrosiers
Dr Marie-Eve Desrosiers, International Development Department, University of Ottawa, Canada
Hosted by Professor Nic Cheeseman, Professor of Democracy and International Development / Director of the Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR), International Development Department
Marie-Eve Desrosiers is associate professor in the School of International Development and Global Studies. She specialises in security and governance issues. More specifically, political crises and conflicts, authoritarianism, political mobilization, and the relationship between state and society in the Great Lakes and Francophone Africa. She is also interested in foreign policy and international aid.
The purpose of the fellowship is to develop an innovative collaborative project with members of the University’s new Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR) and will be part of a series of activities designed to foster a new research network and submit a major ESRC/EU Horizon grant application.
If you would like full details of the plans for Dr Desrosiers fellowship or would like to meet with her during her visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Vanguard Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan.
More about Tehseen Noorani
More about Tehseen Noorani
Dr Tehseen Noorani, School of Pharmacy at the University of Auckland
Hosted by Professor Muireann Quigley, Professor of Law, Medicine and Technology / Dr Matt Hayler, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Literature and Digital Cultures, English, Drama and Creative Studies.
Tehseen Noorani is Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Pharmacy, New Zealand and co-founder of Lentil Lab. His research focuses on the co-evolving epistemics, therapeutics & economics of two sets of extreme experiences: naturally occurring states of madness/psychosis, and states produced through psychedelic drug use.
The focus of Dr Noorani’s fellowship will centre around existing gaps and challenges regarding the emerging use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes, both nationally and internationally.
If you would like full details of the plans for Dr Tehseen Noorani fellowship or would like to meet with him during his visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Vanguard Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan.
More about Isis Giraldo
More about Isis Giraldo
Dr Isis Giraldo, English Department, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hosted by Dr Rebecca Roach, English Literature
Isis Giraldo currently works at the English Department of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Dr Giraldo is an early career scholar whose work, interdisciplinary by nature, engages with cultural and media studies and critical approaches that recentre power and social justice—feminist theories, decolonial critique, the history of ideas and right-wing studies.
During her time on the fellowship, Dr Giraldo will collaborate with University of Birmingham researchers to participate in the Stuart Hall Archive Project (SHAP). This three-year, interdisciplinary project, seeks to use Hall’s archives (deposited in the Cadbury Library) to forge a new space for dialogue between Hall’s intellectual and political legacy and contemporary questions arising from present constituencies and communities.
If you would like full details of the plans for Dr Giraldo fellowship or would like to meet with her during her visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Vanguard Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan.
More about Klas Rönnbäck
More about Klas Rönnbäck
Professor Klas Rönnbäck, Department of Economy and Society, The University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Hosted by Prof Stephanie Decker, Birmingham Business School
Klas Rönnbäck is a Professor in Economic History at the Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg. He has published research on African and Atlantic economic history in many different journals.
The purpose of the visit is to enable the deepening of an already established multi-disciplinary collaboration with UoB colleagues and development and further connections on the business history of slavery.
If you would like full details of the plans for Professor Rönnbäck fellowship or would like to meet with him during his visit as an Institute of Advanced Studies Distinguished Fellow, please contact Sue Gilligan.