Evaluation Lab

At WMREDI we see evaluation as being a trans-discipline with its own methodological traditions and theoretical perspectives.

Our approach at the evaluation lab is rooted in the theoretical, academic and practitioner literature. It has been informed by national guidance provided by central government through the Green Book (development of business cases and ex-ante evaluation), Magenta Book and BEIS Evaluation Guidance. These set out the principles we use when working with WMREDI partners when developing:

  • Business cases, monitoring, and evaluation of interventions in the region including adherence to the ROOAMEF cycle
  • Plausible theories of change to articulate how an intervention will deliver its intended outcomes and mediating factors) and logic models to identify and select the most appropriate process and performance metrics to monitor implementation, assess impact or likelihood of achieving intended impacts where there is a long-time horizon
  • Innovative evaluation approaches to assess the contribution of initiatives to inclusive growth within the region.

You can see a list of the projects that were a part of the Evaluation Lab on our Publications Page.

Other Information

Developing Evaluation Capacity and Methodological Innovation

Provide advice guidance, training and support in policy evaluation and impact assessments for universities, policymakers and partner organisations.

Development of evaluation toolkits. National and international delivery of academic research to enhance approaches to evaluation; rapid evidence reviews; evaluation consultancy; monitoring regional performance.

Capacity building in business case development -anti evaluation through the provision of training and development of a community of practice that shares learning and good practice with the region.

The Evaluation Lab has close links with the UK Evaluation Society Midlands Regional Evaluation Network and other analytical networks in the region.


  1. Provide advice guidance, training and support in policy evaluation and impact assessments for universities, policymakers and partner organisations.
  2. Development of evaluation toolkits.
  3. National and international delivery of academic research to enhance approaches to evaluation; rapid evidence reviews; evaluation consultancy; monitoring regional performance
  4. Capacity building in business case development -anti evaluation through the provision of training and development of a community of practice that shares learning and good practice with the region. The Evaluation Lab has close links with the UK Evaluation Society Midlands Regional Evaluation Network and other analytical networks in the region.

Case studies



Members of the team have contributed to:

Midlands Evaluation Showcase

Research Team

Professor Anne Green (Project Director)

George Bramley (Senior Analyst)

Dr Chloe Billing (Research Fellow)

Dr Magda Cepeda Zorrilla (Research Fellow)

Dr Sara Hassan (Research Fellow)

Dr Charlotte Hoole (Research Fellow)

Kelvin Humphries (Policy and Data Analyst)

Matt Lyons (Research Fellow)

Alice Pugh (Policy and Data Analyst)

Hannes Read (Policy and Data Analyst)

Rebecca Riley (Business Development Director)

Dr Juliane Schwarz (Research Fellow)

Dr Abigail Taylor (Research Fellow)

Pei-Yu Yuan (Research Fellow)