Patient and Public Engagement

 “By public involvement we mean research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them” - NIHR INVOLVE

It is essential that patients, and members of the public, are involved with the design and running of the OCTAVE trial. This ensures the best interests of patients are always at the forefront of researchers’ minds, and it provides valuable insights into patients’ experiences that help to shape the research.

Our Trial Management Group benefit greatly from patient representation with the involvement of Vicky Churchill and Elspeth Insch, who also helped with the review of the Patient Information Sheet.

 "In regards to Covid-19 I am placed in the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) category for people living with a serious underlying health condition. This has meant that throughout the pandemic my husband and me have been shielding and although we have both received the 2 doses of the vaccine we continue to shield as the effectiveness of the vaccines for people in the Clinically Vulnerable and Clinically Extremely Vulnerable groups is currently unknown. This is why this trial is so hugely important. It will help patients, their families, friends and the general public move forward for the future in living with the continuing existence of the Coronavirus. 

For me, by being involved with the Trial Management Group, along with other Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement Groups,  I find a positive to come out of not only my diagnosis but also living through this pandemic" Vicky Churchill

“I am honoured and excited to be involved with OCTAVE. As a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, I have been very aware of my vulnerability throughout the pandemic. I long to return to normal life but fear I am not yet safe. This important research will show the way forward, provide some reassurance and help protect those of us still at risk.” Elspeth Insch

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Meet the research team