
The following list gives details of current resources on the early translations of the Pauline Epistles and their relation to the Greek tradition.

Please contact the team if you notice any omissions.

  • Abraha, Tedros (2001). La lettera ai Romani: testo e commentari della versione etiopica. Aethiopistische Forschungen 57. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
  • Abraha, Tedros (2004). The Ethiopic Version of the Letter to the Hebrews. Studi e testi 419. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana.
  • Abraha, Tedros (2014). The Ethiopic Version of 1 and 2 Corinthians. Rome: n.p..
  • Aland, Barbara, et al. (1991, 1995, 2001). Das Neue Testament in Syrische Überlieferung. Band 2. Die Paulinischen Briefe. Teil 1. Römer- und 1. Korintherbrief; Teil 2. 2. Korintherbrief, Galaterbrief, Epheserbrief, Philipperbrief und Kolosserbrief. Teil 3. 1./2. Thessalonicherbrief, 1./2. Timotheusbrief, Titusbrief, Philemonbrief und Hebräerbrief. ANTF 14, 23, 32. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Aland, Kurt, ed. (1972). Die alten Übersetzungen des Neuen Testaments, die Kirchenväterzitate und Lektionare, ANTF 5. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Behlmer, Heike, and Frank Feder (2017). ‘The Complete Digital Edition and Translation of the Coptic Sahidic Old Testament. A New Research Project at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities,’ Early Christianity 8: 97–107.
  • Falluomini, Carla (2015). The Gothic Version of the Gospels and Pauline Epistles. Cultural Background, Transmission and Character. ANTF 46. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Feder, Frank (2004). ‘Der Einfluß des Griechischen auf das Ägyptische in ptolemäisch-römischer Zeit,’ in T. Schneider et al. (eds.), Das Ägyptische und die Sprachen Vorderasiens, Nordafrikas und der Ägäis. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 310; Münster: Ugarit, 509–521.
  • Feder, Frank (2007). ‘Die Koptische Übersetzung des Alten und Neuen Testaments im 4. Jh.,’ in J. Tubach and S. G. Vashalomidze (eds.), Stabilisierung und Profilierung der koptischen Kirche im 4. Jahrhundert: Beiträge zur X. internationalen Koptologentagung 2006. Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 44; Halle: Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 65–93.
  • Horner, George (1905). The Coptic version of the New Testament in the northern dialect, otherwise called Memphitic and Bohairic. 3. The Epistles of Saint Paul. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Horner, George (1920). The Coptic version of the New Testament in the Southern dialect otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic. 4–5. The Epistles of Saint Paul. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Houghton, H. A. G. (2016). The Latin New Testament. A Guide to its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts. Oxford: OUP.
  • Houghton, H. A. G. (2019). ‘An Initial Selection of Manuscripts for the of the Pauline Epistles,’ in Houghton, Parker and Strutwolf (2019): 343–359. Open Access:
  • Houghton, H. A. G., and Peter Montoro, ed. (2020) At One Remove: The Text of the New Testament in Early Translations and Quotations. Texts and Studies 3.24. Piscataway NJ: Gorgias.
  • Houghton, H. A. G. , D. C. Parker, P. M. Robinson, K. Wachtel, (2020). ‘The Editio Critica Maior of the Greek New Testament: Twenty Years of Digital Collaboration,’ Early Christianity 11: 97–117.
  • Houghton, H. A. G., D. C. Parker and Holger Strutwolf, ed. (2019). The New Testament in Antiquity and Byzantium. Traditional and Digital Approaches to its Texts and Editing. ANTF 52. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Houghton, H. A. G., C. M. Kreinecker, R. F. MacLachlan and C. J. Smith (2019). The Principal Pauline Epistles: A Collation of Old Latin Witnesses. NTTSD 59. Leiden: Brill.
  • Open Access:
  • Houghton, H. A. G. and C. J. Smith (2016). ‘Digital Editing and the Greek New Testament,’ in Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley and David Hamidović, ed.,  Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture, Digital Biblical Studies 1. Leiden: Brill, 110–127.
  • International Greek New Testament Project (2014–2022). Electronic Resources for the Textual Tradition of the Epistles of Paul.
  • Metzger, Bruce M. (1977). The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations. Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Miroshnikov, Ivan (2019). ‘A New Witness to the Paleo-Bohairic Version of the Bible: A Fragmentary Manuscript of the Epistle to the Hebrews in Early Bohairic.’ Journal of Coptic Studies 21: 173–208.
  • Miroshnikov, Ivan (2022). ‘A New Witness to the Fayyūmic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265).’ New Testament Studies 68: 89–104, 206–230.
  • Niccum, Curt (2014). The Bible in Ethiopia: The Book of Acts. Ethiopic Manuscripts, Texts and Studies 19. Eugene: Pickwick.
  • Niccum, Curt (2019). ‘An Ethiopic Codex in the Egyptian Desert and the Greek Text of 1 Corinthians,’ in James W. Thompson and Richard A. Wright, ed., Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis. Eugene: Pickwick, 29–39.
  • Parker, D. C. (2008). An Introduction to the Manuscripts and Text of the New Testament. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Parker, D. C. (2012). Textual Scholarship and the Making of the New Testament. Oxford: OUP.
  • Richter, Siegfried G. and Katharina D. Schröder (2019). ‘Digitale Werkzeuge zur Systematisierung koptischer Handschriften,’ in Houghton, Parker and Strutwolf (2019): 439–448.
  • Plisch, Uwe Karsten (1996). ‘Die Apostelin Junia: Das exegetische Problem in Röm 16,7 im Licht von Nestle-Aland27 und der sahidischen Überlieferung,’ New Testament Studies 42: 477–478.
  • Schmitz, Franz-Jürgen, ed. (2003). Das Verhältnis der koptischen zur griechischen Überlieferung des Neuen Testaments. Dokumentation und Auswertung der Gesamtmaterialien beider Traditionen zum Jakobusbrief und den beiden Petrusbriefen. ANTF 33. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Schüssler, Karlheinz, ed. (1995–2012). Biblia Coptica. Die koptischen Bibeltexte. 13 fascicles. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Strutwolf, Holger, (2011a). ‘Original Text and Textual History,’ in Wachtel and Holmes (2011) 23–42.
  • Strutwolf, Holger, (2011b). ‘Der “New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room” — eine Online-Plattform zum Studium der neutestamentlichen Textüberlieferung,’ Early Christianity 2: 275–277.
  • Strutwolf, Holger, et al., ed. (2012). Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece. 28th edn. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
  • Strutwolf, Holger, et al., ed. (2013). Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editio Critica Maior. Vol. IV. Die Katholischen Briefe. 2nd edn. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
  • Strutwolf, Holger, et al., ed. (2017). Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editio Critica Maior. Vol. III. Die Apostelgeschichte. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft.
  • Thompson, Henry F. H. (1932). The Coptic version of the acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Epistles in the Sahidic dialect: edited from three mss. in the collection of Mr. Chester Beatty. Cambridge: CUP.
  • Uhlig, Siegbert, and Helge Maehlum (1993). Novum Testamentum Aethiopice. 3. Die Gefangenschaftsbriefe. Äthiopistische Forschungen 33; Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Wachtel, Klaus, and Michael W. Holmes, ed. (2011). The Textual History of the Greek New Testament. Changing Views in Contemporary Research. SBL Text-Critical Studies 8. Atlanta: SBL.