Teaching responsible business

Birmingham Business School, Room 106 University House
Thursday 25 January 2018 (10:30-14:30)

Elly Witcher: e.witcher@bham.ac.uk

This workshop will be hosted by the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business and includes a working lunch.

There is a growing movement for change, driven by the increasing visibility of the cumulative impact of the consequences of irresponsible actions stacked up against the benefits of being a responsible business. The most successful, respected an desirable businesses today can and do use their power to solve social, environmental and economic problems, not create them. We need more businesses like that. As part of this transformation we need to develop sector-leading educational modules, programmes and learning materials to complement existing educational offers and our teaching capacity in responsible business, through a range of innovative delivery mechanisms.

We'll be looking at:

  • Exploring the gaps in BBS’s provision in Responsible Business education
  • Developing an understanding of the challenges facing new programmes
  • The potential solutions 
  • Designing innovative delivery mechanisms and educational initiatives

This work will feed into the Centre's educational development programme.

We hope you can join us.