Industrial and international year opportunities

At Birmingham we want you to have the chance to experience all kinds of opportunities and gain skills across a range of different spectrums, in addition to studying in your department.

Gaining relevant work experience in industry or experiencing a year of study abroad can often give you that point of difference, helping you to develop skills and experience that will enhance your university education and maximise your prospects.


Year in Industry

As a School of Computer Science students you have an excellent opportunity to supplement your studies with a year working in industry. In fact, many of our students go on to work for their year-out employers after graduating, and use the opportunity to experience working in a particular sector.

How does it work?

If you choose this option, you will spend the first two/three years* of your degree at Birmingham, followed by a placement year working in industry earning a salary, then back to the University for your final year. During your year in industry you will be able to put taught theory into practice, as well as gain valuable experience and skills.

Who will my placement be with?

We have strong local and national relationships with major industry players, from both the public and private sector. The School of Computer Science runs specialist careers fairs, where different companies come to meet our students in particular to showcase opportunities for years in industry and graduate roles. You should find an opportunity that suits your career goals, and whilst it is your responsibility to choose and apply for a year in industry placement, you will be supported by the department throughout, and can access the guidance of our dedicated careers officer and the Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) Careers Network Team to assist you in all aspects of the application process.

Companies that employ our students on placements include Expedia, Goldman Sachs, GCHQ, BAE Systems, Microsoft, IBM, Bloomberg, PwC, General Electric, Vodafone, National Crime Agency, Google, UBS, EY, Accenture and JP Morgan Chase, amongst many others. Our students are also employed by emerging start up companies.

What will I do?

You will be a full employee of the company you obtain your placement with, will earn a competitive salary and will take part in actual live work-based projects, just as a full time employee would.You will learn how different organisations operate, gain valuable interpersonal skills and knowledge, apply theory to practice, and experience a real working environment, which will all help towards your future career choices. At the end of the year, you will be awarded your degree with 'A Year in Industry'.

* Year in Industry is available with BSc (3 years), and MSci/MEng (4 years). The additional year in industry will extend your degree by one year.

International Year

Many of our programmes can be undertaken with a year of ‘Study Abroad’. Some of our students want to enrich their student experience by embracing new cultures, meeting new people, and seeing more of the world - all while continuing their studies.

That’s what a year of study abroad can offer. You are eligible to take part in Birmingham’s University-wide Exchange and departmental-specific Exchange Programmes. This means that you will spend your penultimate year at an approved institution in another country, returning to Birmingham for your final year

You can explore our 300+ Study Abroad destinations across Europe and the rest of the World, destinations are also viewed by using our interactive map.  If you are interested in a specific country, or wish to find out more about options for computer science, we recommend using the ‘Text’ search function. 

* ‘Study Abroad’ is available with BSc (3 years), and MSci/MEng (4 years). The additional year of studying abroad will extend your degree by one year and is usually taken in the penultimate year.

Summer placements

Birmingham also offers a wide variety of short term opportunities for you to potentially experience alongside your studies.

Ranging anywhere between 4 and 12 weeks these include places at our summer schools at partner universities, international internships, as well as other exciting work and volunteering experiences

Any questions? Contact us