Throughout the year we run a range of activities to celebrate and support students and staff from groups that are typically underrepresented in Mathematics. We've summarised some examples of these activities below.
Local Piscopia branch
Our local Piscopia branch is a team of talented postgraduate mathematics researchers who are passionate about increasing diversity in the subject. They run a series of events to support and encourage female and nonbinary students to study for MSc programmes and PhDs. This has included producing this fantastic booklet on How to apply for a PhD (PDF, 1.1 MB). Furthermore, they hold a weekly coffee morning for any female and nonbinary members of the department (and allies!) to attend in our School.
Student events for minority ethnic and LGBTQ+ students
In addition to social events for all students, we run termly events for students from ethnic minority backgrounds and for students from the LGBTQ+ community to ensure that we can help them build support networks and get the most out of their student experience during their time with us.
Study space for students with disabilities
Dedicated weekly study space with postgraduate teaching support for students with disabilities and their friends. This is in addition to various modes of support available to all students (e.g. Guided Study Sessions, lecturers’ Office Hours, small group tutorials, peer assisted study sessions, drop-in support at the Maths Support Centre in the main library).
Undergraduate Summer Bursaries
We offer students the chance to participate in a paid research project during the summer break. We particularly encourage applications from students identifying with groups that are typically underrepresented in STEM and each year we’re able to fund around 15 students across our home campus in Edgbaston and at our Jinan-Birmingham Joint Institute in China.
Social activities for postgraduate taught students
We have dedicated social activities for postgraduate taught students. Many of these students are new to Birmingham when they arrive, and these events ensure that they are quickly aware that they’re a valued part of our School of Mathematics community.
Mentoring schemes for early career researchers
We run mentoring schemes for early career researchers (including postdoctoral researchers) to help them navigate their career path, find out about training opportunities, and receive independent advice on applying for funding.
Mentoring schemes to support promotion

We run mentoring Schemes to support and encourage staff to apply for promotion. This particularly supports those members of staff who might otherwise be hesitant at putting themselves forward for promotion.