How will online Pharmacy interviews work?

This year, the Birmingham School of Pharmacy will be conducting all interviews online. It is important that you watch the video and read the frequently asked questions to find out more about how interviews will work and what you need to do to prepare.

Pharmacy observers video

Pharmacy observers briefing video

Unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias

What do I need to do to prepare for the interviews?

  • Check that your desktop/ laptop webcam, microphone and video call connection work well in good time before your interview. Please do not use your mobile phone.
  • Make sure your Zoom call details (in your briefing email the day before the interviews) are saved somewhere safe.
  • Create an account on and ensure that Zoom is installed onto your device. The interview link will not work if you are not signed into Zoom. 
  • Make sure that you have signed our policy form before participating in our interviews.

How will the interview work?

  • This year we are using a new format. Interviews will be no longer than 15 minutes and will take place between December and April.
  • We will have 4 Zoom links a day in between 15-minute breaks
  • At the start of each call, 18 break-out rooms will be created:
    • 12 of these will be waiting rooms where the candidates will also have their IDs checked. These waiting rooms will also have the names of the interviewers to make it easier for the interviewers to select their next candidate, i.e. ‘Candidates for Sarah’
    • 6 of the breakout rooms will be renamed as the interview rooms for each interviewer. You will be placed into a room by me when you enter the call. You will be told in advance which interviewer you will be supporting.
  • It will be ONE interviewer and ONE observer in the interview room.
  • Once a candidate has been admitted by the interviewer into the room, the interview will begin and when this is done, they will ask the applicant to leave and the process repeats.

I need to reschedule or cancel my interview session, what do I need to do?

  • Please email us so that we have as much time as possible to find a replacement. This is because if we do not have at least 2 members of staff, 1 interviewer and 1 observer in the interview, the interview can no longer take place from a safeguarding perspective.

What if I am running late for my interview?

  • We recommend that you log into your Zoom call 15 minutes before your observation session, to ensure you join on time. If you are running late, or arrive late, we may have to reschedule your interview.
  • Some delays may be caused by trying to find the correct Zoom call details, so to prevent this, preparation is key. We will send an email to remind you of your zoom call information closer to each interview day sessions, so please do keep an eye out for this reminder email as it is important information to have to hand to ensure everything runs to time.
  • If you are running late to the actual interview, it is important to let us know at your earliest possible opportunity via the number or email address on our website so that we can try to find a last-minute replacement. If we do not have at least two interviewers per candidate in each session, I’m afraid that the interview will not be able to take place and will need to be rearranged. Due to back-to-back interviews taking place, it is not possible to start an interview late.

What if something disrupts one of the interviews on the day?

  • We recommend that you check your internet speed, webcam and microphone prior to your interview so that you can rectify any issues that may arise.
  • If either you or the candidate are experiencing technical difficulties on Zoom, firstly check that you are both in an area with a strong internet connection. If you can, try to move to another quiet area without breaking the connection. If the connection becomes better within a minute or so, the interviewer will make a note on Max Exam that there was a bit of disruption with the connection. This information will be taken into account when we come to make offers.
  • If the connection does not become better or if the connection drops completely, then please email us as soon as possible with the name of the candidate to highlight that they will need to do the interview again on another date.
  • If you cannot see or hear the candidate for the duration of the interview, we would need to re-interview the candidate.

Who do I need to contact in case I have additional questions before my interview?

  • Should you require anything additional in the meantime, please do email us via During the interviews themselves, our email answering times will be delayed. Therefore, in case of an emergency on the day, please do call us via 07970 983 505.
  • We endeavour to send you an email with the specific details you will require for your Zoom calls the day before your interview session.