Applying to Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing

To apply for the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing, you will need to submit your application and supporting documents online. 

All applicants are required to complete the online application. In addition, you will need to complete a supplementary application form, which needs to be uploaded as supporting documentation within the online application portal. You will also need to complete the admissions checklist.

Your application will not be reviewed until all the required supporting documentation has been uploaded into the online application portal as per the admissions checklist.

We are proud to announce that the University of Birmingham is listed as an institution providing course provision for NHS England funded pharmacist applicants. If you are applying for group 2 (PCPEP) funding, please ensure that you upload your IP approval certificate as supporting documentation within your online application form.

Due to a high volume of applications, the March 2025 cohort is now full and has closed. The September 2025 cohort is available for applications and further information regarding NHSE funding will be shared once available.   

We have put together some helpful information on the taught programme application process and supporting documents on our how to apply page. Please read this information carefully before completing your application.

Apply Now

If you would like to continuing reviewing the programme information you can return to the Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing webpage.