Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards

The University provides scholarships and bursaries to help students during their degree programmes.  In addition to these, the School of Physics and Astronomy offers a number of bursaries and scholarships to help with the finances of our students. Click on a heading below for more details. If you have any queries that are not addressed here, please contact the admissions office.

Scholarships listed below are for 2025 entry.

Physics Entry Achievement Scholarship (UK students)

The Physics Entry Achievement Scholarship, for UK undergraduate physics students, enables you to be recognised and rewarded for your excellent academic achievements before arriving as a student at the University of Birmingham.

The Physics Entry Achievement Scholarship consists of £1000 bank transfer during year 1 for all students who meet the criteria below.

No application is required, all those who meet the conditions above will be contacted during semester 1.

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Obtain the following A Level results or equivalent in other qualification systems*
    • A* in Mathematics or Further Mathematics
    • A* in Physics
    • A in a third subject
  • Be classified as a UK student for fees on your acceptance to the university.
  • Apply to the University by 6pm on 30th June as one of your original five choices. Then be accepted to one of the following courses for year 1 entry in 2025 after placing it as firm choice in UCAS:
    • Physics BSc
    • Physics MSci
    • Physics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics (International Study) MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics BSc
    • Physics and Astrophysics MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics with Data Science BSc
    • Physics with Data Science MSci
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Medical Physics MSci
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
    • Theoretical Physics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics MSci
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci

* Conversion from other qualification systems is calculated internally by the university, to enquire about your qualifications, please contact the student recruitment team.

Other scholarships

Please see the University scholarships, grants and bursaries page for details of other university-administered scholarships.

Poynting Scholarship for International Students

Poynting Achievement Scholarship

The Poynting Achievement Scholarship, for international undergraduate physics students, celebrates your significant success in achieving your place as a student at the University of Birmingham.

The Poynting Achievement Scholarship consists of £1500 fee waiver during each year of your undergraduate degree for all students who meet the criteria below.

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Be classified as international for fees on your acceptance to the university.
  • Apply to the University by 6pm on 30th June as one of your original five choices. Then be accepted to one of the following courses for year 1 entry in 2025 after placing it as firm choice in UCAS:
    • Physics BSc
    • Physics MSci
    • Physics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics (International Study) MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics BSc
    • Physics and Astrophysics MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics with Data Science BSc
    • Physics with Data Science MSci
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Medical Physics MSci
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
    • Theoretical Physics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics MSci
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci
  • The Poynting Achievement Scholarship cannot be held in the same year in conjunction with Poynting Excellence Scholarship, which would take priority over this award.

To renew this award in a subsequent year of study you must:

  • Hold Poynting Achievement Scholarship or Poynting Excellence Scholarship in the previous academic year.
  • Achieve 70% year average at the first attempt in your previous year of study.
  • Renewal will pause for years spent in international study or intercalated study and will restart during your return to study at in School of Physics and Astronomy at Birmingham based on the performance from the year before your year out.

No application is required, all those who meet the conditions above will be contacted during semester 1.

Poynting Excellence Scholarship

The Poynting Excellence Scholarship, for international undergraduate physics students, enables you to be recognised and rewarded for your excellent academic achievements before arriving as a student at the University of Birmingham.

The Poynting Excellence Scholarship consists of £3000 fee waiver during year 1 for all students who meet the criteria below. Holders of this award become eligible for the Poynting Achievement Scholarship renewal after year 1.

No application is required, all those who meet the conditions above will be contacted during semester 1.

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Obtain the following results or equivalent in other qualification systems*
    • A Levels A* in Mathematics or Further Mathematics, A* in Physics, A* in a third subject
    • IB: 7, 7, 7 from Higher Levels including Mathematics and Physics
    • HKDSE: 5*, 5*, 5* including Mathematics and Physics
    • Indian Standard XII ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra 90% in three subjects including Maths and Physics
    • Indian Standard XII West Bengal: 85% in three subjects including Maths and Physics
    • Indian Standard XII Other State board: 95% in three subjects including Maths and Physics
    • Malaysian STPM: Grades equivalent to A level grades above
  • Be classified as overseas for fees on your acceptance to the university.
  • Apply to the University by 6pm on 30th June as one of your original five choices. Then be accepted to one of the following courses for year 1 entry in 2025 after placing it as firm choice in UCAS:
    • Physics BSc
    • Physics MSci
    • Physics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics (International Study) MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics BSc
    • Physics and Astrophysics MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics with Data Science BSc
    • Physics with Data Science MSci
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Medical Physics MSci
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
    • Theoretical Physics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics MSci
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci
  • The Poynting Excellence Scholarship cannot be held in the same year in conjunction with Poynting Achievement Scholarship, this award takes priority.

*Conversion from other qualification systems is calculated internally by the university, to enquire about your qualifications, please contact the student recruitment team.

Other scholarships

Please see the University scholarships, grants and bursaries page for details of other university-administered scholarships.

Physics Music Scholarship (UK and International students)

In the School of Physics and Astronomy we want to enable you to excel in your academic journey as well as your performance in extracurricular activities. For those who have achieved a grade 8 in a music qualification, we understand that your commitment to both academics and music are important to you and we want to support you to continue your excellence in both.

The Physics Music Scholarship consists of up to 10 music lessons per year for all students who meet the criteria below. The lessons are organised by the university music department and may be from tutors at the university or Birmingham Conservatoire, depending on availability. Lessons will be for one instrument a year, which you should be playing at a grade 8 level.

Eligible applicants will be contacted with an application after they have been accepted to the university in August 2025, relevant deadlines will be outlined during that communication.

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Hold a grade 8 music qualification or equivalent in the on entry to the university.
  • Apply to the University by 6pm on 30th June as one of your original five choices. Then be accepted to one of the following courses for year 1 entry in 2025 after placing it as firm choice in UCAS:
    • Physics BSc
    • Physics MSci
    • Physics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics (International Study) MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics BSc
    • Physics and Astrophysics MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics with Data Science BSc
    • Physics with Data Science MSci
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
    • Theoretical Physics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics MSci
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci
  • Physic Music Scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the University Music Scholarship, which would take priority over this award.

To renew this award in a subsequent year of study you must:

  • Hold this award in the previous academic year.
  • Achieve 60% year average at the first attempt in your previous year of study.
  • Renewal will pause for years spent in international study or intercalated study and will restart during your return to study at in School of Physics and Astronomy at Birmingham based on the performance from the year before your year out.
  • Use at least 5 hours of lessons in the previous year and engage with the lessons to a satisfactory level as judged by the music tutor.

Physics Sports Scholarship (UK and International students)

In the School of Physics and Astronomy we want to enable you to excel in your academic journey as well as your performance in extracurricular activities. If you are playing sport at a top level, we understand that your commitment to both academics and sport are important to you and we want to support you to continue your excellence in both.

The Physic Sports Scholarship consists of a bank transfer of £800 per year for the top 1-4 students who meet the criteria below.

Applicant's sporting achievements will be considered by University of Birmingham Sport and those who are most likely to contribute highly to university level teams will be successful. This is normally those who are playing at least junior regional or national level.

Eligible applicants will be contacted with an application after they have been accepted to the university in August 2025, relevant deadlines will be outlined during that communication.

To be eligible for this award you must:

  • Play in a commonwealth games or Olympic recognised sport
  • Apply to the University by 6pm on 30th June as one of your original five choices. Then be accepted to one of the following courses for year 1 entry in 2025 after placing it as firm choice in UCAS:
    • Physics BSc
    • Physics MSci
    • Physics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics (International Study) MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics BSc
    • Physics and Astrophysics MSci
    • Physics and Astrophysics (International Study) BSc
    • Physics with Data Science BSc
    • Physics with Data Science MSci
    • Physics with Medical Physics BSc
    • Physics with Medical Physics MSci
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology BSc
    • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology MSci
    • Theoretical Physics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics MSci
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics BSc
    • Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSci
  • Physic Sports Scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the University Sports Scholarships, which would take priority over this award.

To renew this award in a subsequent year of study you must:

  • Hold this award in the previous academic year.
  • Achieve 60% year average at the first attempt in your previous year of study.
  • Renewal will pause for years spent in international study or intercalated study and will restart during your return to study at in School of Physics and Astronomy at Birmingham based on the performance from the year before your year out.
  • Maintain sporting standards as judged by University of Birmingham sport.