Recent publications
Zambra Silva, F & Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Criterios epistémicos para la atribución de creencias delirantes', Análisis Filosófico.
Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Esperienza e competenza', Rivista di filosofia, vol. 115, no. 2, pp. 303-318.
Ichino, A, Bortolotti, L, Zambra, F, Tarantola, D & Ceravolo, P 2024, 'Fake Plots: un juego para ‘vacunar’ a los jóvenes contra la desinformación y las teorías de la conspiración', Pensar Juntos, vol. 8, 8, pp. 1-19. <>
Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Is it pathological to believe in conspiracy theories?', Transcultural Psychiatry, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 749-755.
Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Revisiting delusions to demystify human agency: A response to critics', Philosophy of the Mind Sciences, vol. 5.
Bortolotti, L 2024, 'The Ant and the Grasshopper: Does Biased Cognition Compromise Agency in the Case of Delusions and Conspiracy Theories?', Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Bortolotti, L & Belvederi Murri, M 2024, Delusions and adaptiveness. in E Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Delusions. 1 edn, Routledge, London.
Larkin, M, Bortolotti, L & Lim, M 2024, Expertise as perspectives in dialogue. in D Prtichard, M Farina & A Lavazza (eds), Expertise: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 65–84.
Murphy-Hollies, K, Bortolotti, L & Mameli, M 2024, Le renard et la chouette: confabulation, complots et régulation de soi. in D Simonin (ed.), Les Fables de l'homme: pouvoirs de la fabulation. Éditions Kimé.
Digital or Visual Products
Ichino, A, Bortolotti, L, Effingham, N, Zambra, F, Ceravolo, P & Tarantola, D, Fake Plots: the game: A game to help us recognise misinformation online and conspiracy theories, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>
D'Olimpio, L & Bortolotti, L, Peacock's Art Exhibition: How should we interpret an artwork, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, Online. <>
Brozzo, C & Bortolotti, L, The Ants and the Butterfly: Are perfumes art?, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, Online. <>
Walton-Hayfield, P & Bortolotti, L, The Foal and the Sage Stallion: How do we know which sources to trust?, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>
Reglitz, M & Bortolotti, L, The Tortoise and the Hare: The importance of being connected, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>
Bortolotti, L, Complottismo, Fake News e Altre Trappole Mentali, 2024, Exhibition. <>
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