Professor Lisa Bortolotti MA (London), BPhil (Oxon), PhD (ANU)

Photograph of Professor Lisa Bortolotti

Department of Philosophy
Professor of Philosophy

Contact details

Room 223, European Research Institute
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am a philosopher of the cognitive sciences, focusing on the philosophy of psychology and psychiatry. I am also interested in some issues in biomedical ethics. I am the Editor in Chief of Philosophical Psychology.

My main interests lie in the strengths and limitations of human cognition and agency, investigating faulty reasoning and irrational beliefs, delusions, confabulations, distorted memories, poor knowledge of the self, unreliable self narratives, self deception, inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviour, unrealistic optimism, and other positive illusions. I am also interested in how health, wellbeing, rationality, and agency interact.

Feedback and office hours

On study leave in term 1 2024/2025


I have a Laurea in Filosofia (summa cum laude) from the University of Bologna (1997), an MA in Philosophy (with Distinction) from the University of London (1998), a BPhil from Oxford (2000), and a PhD in Philosophy from the Australian National University in Canberra (2004). 


Before joining the Philosophy Department at the University of Birmingham as a Lecturer in 2005, I was Honorary Lecturer in Bioethics in the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy at the University of Manchester and Research Associate on the EC-funded EU-RECA. Since at Birmingham, my research and teaching has focused on the philosophy of the cognitive sciences.

I am the editor in chief of Philosophical Psychology (Taylor and Francis) and the founder of the Imperfect Cognitions blog and The Philosophy Garden, a virtual philosophy museum with resources on timely philosophical issues for young people and the general public.

I am the author of two textbooks, Introduction to the philosophy of science (Polity, 2008) and Philosophy of Psychology: An Introduction (Polity, 2021, with Kengo Miyazono).

I am the author of three monographs, Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs (OUP, 2009), The Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs (OUP, 2020), and Why Delusions Matter (Bloomsbury, 2023); and a key concepts book, Irrationality (Polity, 2014). In 2011 I was awarded the American Philosophical Association Book Prize for the 2009 monograph on delusions. 

I edited four volumes, Philosophy and Happiness (Palgrave, 2009); Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience: Philosophical Perspectives (OUP, 2009, with Matthew Broome) which was listed among the Guardian Books of the Year in 2009Delusions in Context (Palgrave, 2018); and Epistemic Justice in Mental Healthcare: Recognising agency and promoting virtues across the life span (Palgrave, forthcoming in 2024).


I teach on two Masters modules: Philosophy and Mental Health for Philosophy, for on-campus and distance-learning students, and Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health and Wellbeing for Psychology.

I supervise Philosophical Projects, Masters Dissertations, and PhD theses.

Postgraduate supervision

I supervise postgraduate students in Philosophy of Psychology (belief, delusion, confabulation, distorted memory, rationality, cognitive biases, agency) and Philosophy of Psychiatry (classification and diagnosis, psychiatric ethics, notion of mental disorder, youth mental health).

Currently I am supervising the following students: Matt Williams, Seiara Imanova, Noorit Larsen, Eleanor Palafox-Harris, Rosa Ritunnano, and Aisha Qadoos.

To date, twenty PhD students have completed at the University of Birmingham under my supervision.

Find out more - our PhD Philosophy  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


My research interests include: agency, rationality, and self knowledge in psychopathology; delusion and confabulation; biased cognition; epistemic innocence and epistemic injustice; the notion of disorder in the philosophy of medicine. I am also interested in some issues within biomedical ethics.

I am currently working on two funded projects: Agency in Practice led by Michael Larkin at Aston University (funded by UKRI) and Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare led by Havi Carel in Bristol (funded by Wellcome).

For 5 years (2014-2019), I led a project called PERFECT,  Pragmatic and Epistemic Role of Factually Erroneous Cognitions and Thoughts, funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant (EUR 1.900.065). 

Other activities

Professional service

Current roles:

  • Editor in Chief of Philosophical Psychology.
  • Series Editor for International Perspectives on Philosophy and Psychiatry, Oxford University Press. 
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Wellbeing.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of European Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Topoi.
  • On the Advisory Board of Philosophical Inquiries (philinq).

Previous roles:

  • Associate Editor for Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2013-2016).
  • E-letter Editor for Journal of Medical Ethics (2005-2010).


Editor of Philosophical Psychology.

  • Series Editor for International Perspectives on Philosophy and Psychiatry, Oxford University Press. 
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Wellbeing.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of European Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Topoi.
  • On the Advisory Board of Philosophical Inquiries (philinq).

Previous roles:

  • Associate Editor for Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2013-2016).
  • E-letter Editor for Journal of Medical Ethics (2005-2010).


I am a member of the Higher Education Academy, the British Philosophical Association, the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, and the European Society for Analytic Philosophy. 

From 2010 to 2013 I was committee member for the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, and from 2010 to 2015 I was on the Executive of the Mind Association.


Recent publications


Zambra Silva, F & Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Criterios epistémicos para la atribución de creencias delirantes', Análisis Filosófico.

Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Esperienza e competenza', Rivista di filosofia, vol. 115, no. 2, pp. 303-318.

Ichino, A, Bortolotti, L, Zambra, F, Tarantola, D & Ceravolo, P 2024, 'Fake Plots: un juego para ‘vacunar’ a los jóvenes contra la desinformación y las teorías de la conspiración', Pensar Juntos, vol. 8, 8, pp. 1-19. <>

Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Is it pathological to believe in conspiracy theories?', Transcultural Psychiatry, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 749-755.

Bortolotti, L 2024, 'Revisiting delusions to demystify human agency: A response to critics', Philosophy of the Mind Sciences, vol. 5.

Bortolotti, L 2024, 'The Ant and the Grasshopper: Does Biased Cognition Compromise Agency in the Case of Delusions and Conspiracy Theories?', Review of Philosophy and Psychology.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Bortolotti, L & Belvederi Murri, M 2024, Delusions and adaptiveness. in E Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Delusions. 1 edn, Routledge, London.

Larkin, M, Bortolotti, L & Lim, M 2024, Expertise as perspectives in dialogue. in D Prtichard, M Farina & A Lavazza (eds), Expertise: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 65–84.

Murphy-Hollies, K, Bortolotti, L & Mameli, M 2024, Le renard et la chouette: confabulation, complots et régulation de soi. in D Simonin (ed.), Les Fables de l'homme: pouvoirs de la fabulation. Éditions Kimé.

Digital or Visual Products

Ichino, A, Bortolotti, L, Effingham, N, Zambra, F, Ceravolo, P & Tarantola, D, Fake Plots: the game: A game to help us recognise misinformation online and conspiracy theories, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>

D'Olimpio, L & Bortolotti, L, Peacock's Art Exhibition: How should we interpret an artwork, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, Online. <>

Brozzo, C & Bortolotti, L, The Ants and the Butterfly: Are perfumes art?, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, Online. <>

Walton-Hayfield, P & Bortolotti, L, The Foal and the Sage Stallion: How do we know which sources to trust?, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>

Reglitz, M & Bortolotti, L, The Tortoise and the Hare: The importance of being connected, 2024, Digital or Visual Products, The Philosophy Garden, Online. <>


Bortolotti, L, Complottismo, Fake News e Altre Trappole Mentali, 2024, Exhibition. <>

View all publications in research portal


Areas of expertise

  • Topics in the philosophy of psychiatry such as mental illness and clinical delusions.
  • Topics in the philosophy of psychology such as rationality and conspiracy theories.

Press releases

Media experience

Traditional media

Articles based on or citing my research

Audio-visual resources

Podcasts and videos based on my research


Founding editor of the Imperfect Cognitions blog.

Guest blogger for Scientia Salon, Psychiatric Ethics, Philosoph-herSplintered Mind, Brains, Neuroethics & Law, Saving Humans, the Wellcome Trust blog, the AHRC Science in Culture blog and many more.


  • Philosophy of psychiatry and psychology
  • Rationality
  • Mental health and mental illness

Policy experience

Policy briefs

  • On 26 March 2020, Mental capacity assessments (Mental Elf, with Sophie Stammers)
  • On 10 October 2017, Is loneliness a pathology? (Birmingham Perspective, with Valeria Motta).
  • On 14 January 2016, Mental health care is still awaiting its revolution (The Birmingham Brief).
  • On 5 November 2015, "Us and Them" no longer: mental health concerns us all (The Birmingham Brief).
  • On 20 November 2013, Lessons from the Breivik case (The Birmingham Perspective).
  • On 8 February 2013, Making sense of psychiatry (The Birmingham Brief).

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office