Your postgraduate research Law offer holder hub

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Congratulations on your offer to study at the University of Birmingham!

Congratulations from Ellie Dobson, Director of Admissions for the College of Arts and Law

Current research activity in Birmingham Law School

    • Student sat under lamp in study space

      Discover distance learning in the College of Arts and Law

      If you're received an offer to conduct a research degree by distance learning, you might have questions about what it's like to learn via distance learning. Discover what our distance learning postgraduate researchers have to say about their experience in the College.

      Discover life as a distance learner
    • PhD Law researcher Bahadir

      Bahadir: PhD Law

      "My significant accomplishments encompass feeling integrated into a vibrant academic environment, receiving guidance on the subject matter from a like-minded supervisor, and contributing to the research and teaching atmosphere of the school and university."

      Read more and chat to Bahadir