Your Postgraduate Computer Science Offer-Holder Hub

Congratulations on your offer to study within the School of Computer Science at Birmingham! This is your exclusive offer-holder hub which will guide you through some of the information you might require to make an informed decision about where to study for your postgraduate degree.
Why study Computer Science at Birmingham?
We provide specialist teaching and conduct research across a range of areas, including Science for AI, Cyber Security and Privacy, Theory of Computation, Socio Technical Systems, and Perception, Language and Action. Led by academics at the forefront of their fields, we deliver outstanding education and offer comprehensive careers support to ensure an exciting range of opportunities for your future. You may be changing your educational path by studying one of our conversion MScs, or choosing to specialise further in a particular area of computer science. Whatever your direction, your teaching will be influenced by the cutting edge research our academic staff conduct and what the changing face of industry requires, and will prepare you incredibly well for your future.
Tirth Kanani
"The HCI course at the University of Birmingham stands out for its comprehensive approach to the discipline. The curriculum covers not only the core principles, theories, and methodologies of HCI but also offers the flexibility to explore specialised areas through optional modules, such as Robotics. The emphasis on project work, integrating students into the research activities of the HCI Centre, provides a hands-on experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. The opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research topics, as well as the inclusion of modules like Experiment Design, Evaluation Methods, and Statistics, underscores the practical and analytical skills the course aims to develop."
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Student Blog - Feeling at home in Birmingham
Current student Georgie gives her top tips to feeling at home in Birmingham
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Explore your module choices
Find out what modules you can study as part of your degree with our module handbook. When its time to choose your modules you will be sent a separate email so keep an eye out for that.
Computer Science PG - Handbook
Contribute to our research
Explore what our academics and current students are researching and how your study can make an impact! Our research addresses global challenges in artificial intelligence, computation, cyber security, human-centred computing and computational life sciences.
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