Postgraduate Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering courses

  • Abstract image of an engineer with graphics overlayed

    Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering (EESE) Postgraduate

    Our range of engineering postgraduate programmes prepare you for a career in a dynamic field that is vital to business and global economic growth.

Why study EESE at Birmingham?

Learning from our leading researchers and industry, you can tailor your studies to your interests developing specialist knowledge for your chosen career. 

Our research addresses key challenges and opportunities facing civilisation in power, communications, transport, healthcare and human-systems integration.

We have PhD and MSc by Research opportunities where you could join our world-leading research community, deepen your knowledge and develop your career. 

  • Communications Engineering MSc

    The Communications Engineering Masters equips you for a rewarding career in this challenging field. It covers a wide range of topics in communication engineering.

  • Electrical Power Systems MSc

    The Electrical Power Systems Masters/MSc - Meeting the growing demand for engineers trained in electrical power systems and renewable energy. Learn more.

  • Electronic and Computer Engineering MSc

    This Electronic and Computer Engineering Masters/MSc programme is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you will need to play a leading part in the future of electronics. Learn more.

  • Railway Systems Engineering and Integration MSc

    The Railway Systems Engineering and Integration course is designed to provide knowledge required to manage successfully the complex interfaces characterising existing and new railway systems.

  • Railway Systems Integration MRes

    Our Railway Systems Integration (MRes) comprises of two thirds research. You carry out a detailed research project in collaboration with industry, whilst learning more about specific railway issues.