Resources for teachers and careers advisers

The University of Birmingham offers a variety of resources, advice, and development to teachers and advisers on all aspects of the university admissions process and keeping up with any changes in the sector.

Conferences for teachers and advisers

We host a range of events throughout the year to keep you updated on the university admissions process and help you support your students.

Twilight information sessions

We run virtual twilight sessions at the end of the school day covering topical issues in admissions. During the sessions, we also provide information and advice about applying for our courses and opportunities for students at the University. 

Email to find out more and book.

Partnerships and CPD

Advancing Access

The University of Birmingham is a proud partner of Advancing Access, a national collaboration of 24 Russell Group universities. Together we work with schools and colleges to develop and deliver CPD for teachers and advisors that supports student progression to selective universities and courses.

Advancing Access focuses on schools with low levels of progression to high tariff universities and particularly targets cold spot areas. The majority of Advancing Access CPD events and resources are delivered online to allow easy access for all schools, regardless of their location.

Aimhigher West Midlands

Aimhigher West Midlands is a partnership of 12 regional universities and colleges that support learners facing a number of challenges to broaden their horizons and make informed decisions about their future.

Through collaboration, the partnership develop and deliver engaging widening participation activities and help schools improve access to higher education for all young people. Collaboratively, we deliver mentoring summer schools, teacher CPD, and Aimhigher Plus, the Uni Connect Programme.

Realising Opportunities

The University of Birmingham is a member of Realising Opportunities. This is a unique collaboration of leading research-intensive universities, working together to promote fair access to higher education and encourage the social mobility of students from underrepresented backgrounds.

The programme supports students through their post-16 studies, aiming to raise their aspirations and enable them to make informed decisions about their future.

Guidance for Pathways to Birmingham Coordinators

Pathways to Birmingham (P2B) programmes are for eligible students from state schools in the West Midlands, except for the National Access Summer School which is open to eligible students in state schools outside the region.

P2B coordinators play an important role in raising student awareness about the scheme and in supporting their programme applications. Read through our guidance where we explain how this partnership works and how we can help you support your students if they would like to apply for P2B.

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