Revitalizing the EESE Society

The Electrical Engineering Society as spent the term providing a wide variety of events for their members. From Industrial Talks to socials, a new social media boost and the Winter Ball - there's plenty to talk about!


First of all, we want to say a huge thank you to all of our members who have decided to take part in the events we have held!

We have tried to provide a wide variety of events for our members, for example Industrial Talks with companies such as L3Harris who joined us to provide an insight into how electrical engineers can be involved with one of the largest security and aerospace companies in the world. This was a successful event where we received excellent feedback from students who attended. This event was led in conjunction with Jenny Steere (the School of Engineering’s Industrial Liaison Officer) who helped us reach out to L3.

We’ve spent a great amount of time actively growing our social media platforms (Instagram and Facebook) as well as sending reminders of our events through EESE group chats, plus building our sports teams to continue to engage our members. We’ve also worked in with our fellow School of Engineering societies, CivSoc and MechSoc, to provide events so our members could socialise with students from other disciplines, culminating in the Engineering Winter Ball!

For the upcoming semester we are trying to plan a variety of different events ranging from speed-networking (where our members will have multiple short meetings with alumni from a wide range of industries), coffee mornings and movie nights, more industrial talks with different companies, and much more. We will also be collaborating again with CivSoc and MechSoc to plan the famous Engineering Ball. There’s plenty going on so keep an eye on our social media for the latest news! 

Again, thank you for engaging with our Society and let’s continue to trailblaze together. 

We hope to see you soon, 

EESE Soc Committee 

To find out more about EESE Soc visit their society website.

There are 41 student groups in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. To learn more about their projects and activities head to the EPS Societies homepage.