Looking after yourself

Studying at University can be an exciting and fun time. It can also feel quite challenging at times, and that's okay. At Birmingham, we take your health, wellbeing and safety seriously and offer you different things you can do to stay happy and healthy at UoB.
Support in your School
You will have access to a Personal Academic Tutor and Wellbeing Officers through your School.
Every student has a Personal Academic Tutor. Their role is to support your personal and academic development, as well as assist with any welfare issues you might have for the duration of your study. You'll meet regularly with your Personal Academic Tutor and your tutor peer group throughout the year, giving you the chance to get to know a small group of students in your cohort. You can find out more about your Personal Academic Tutor from your School during Welcome.
Support for students with disabilities
We welcome everyone here at Birmingham, regardless of physical disability, medical conditions, or other specific special needs.
Telling us about any disabilities means we can advise and provide you with the appropriate advice and support throughout your studies. A disability may be a long-term health condition, physical or sensory impairment, a mental health difficulty, autism, and specific learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia.
We really encourage you to tell us about a disability as early as possible, even if you feel you don't need support yet. This will ensure we can better understand your needs and discuss any support you might need with you.
Staying healthy and safe
Navigating university life is full of challenges. Staying healthy and well will help you make the most of your time here. Find out how we can support you.
Mental health and wellbeing support
When you’re going through a tough time, you can always depend on us. Whether you’re being affected by your studies or life in general, we’re here to support you. We can offer a range of free and confidential services for all students here at UoB, from our trained and friendly Wellbeing Officers in every College, to our 24/7 support line UBHeard.
We can help you find a service that works for you. Our Time to Talk? resource can help you find the right people to talk to, or you can explore our full range of mental health and wellbeing support through the World of Wellbeing.
When I moved to the UK from my home country, I had many expectations about how my life would be in terms of friendships, academia and even finances. When these things didn’t happen as soon as I imagined they would, I started to feel like a failure. As though I didn’t belong. Just so you know, you don’t need to shoulder the load alone. There are lots of services available at UoB, as well as people who are specially trained and willing to assist you in navigating Uni while your mental health needs are met.
Register with a GP (doctor)
Registering with a local GP (General Practitioner, also known as a doctor) practice will make sure you can access support for your mental and physical health, and they’re usually the first service you should contact if you ever experience a problem.
We recommend that you should register with a GP near to where you spend most of your time, which is likely to be your term-time address. There are a few GP surgeries near to campus. They're really convenient, and familiar with anything you might need support with. Don’t wait until you feel unwell, register as soon as you get here. Your health is important to us.
Other ways to stay healthy
Recovering from addiction
Recovering from addiction
We understand that starting University can be an exciting time, but being away from a normal routine can sometimes lead to development habits and behaviours, that, over time, can start to have more negative impact on your life. From substances like alcohol or drugs, or behaviours like gambling, online shopping, gaming, screen time, or porn addiction, you can get the help you need at UoB.
Our own recovery programme, Better Than Well, is for students in recovery from alcohol, drug or behavioural addictions, and is coordinated by academic staff from the Institute for Mental Health, but is run by students supporting their peers to maximise educational and social opportunities while continuing a personal programme of recovery from addiction.
Cost of Living support
Cost of Living support
We know that many of you may be feeling worried about the rising costs of living and managing your money at University. We’ve been working with the Guild of Students to ensure that our student community are supported with some practical changes and initiatives, in response to your feedback, to help reduce some of your costs and ease your worries. Some of our practical changes and initiatives include:
- Free period products: You can now pick up environmentally friendly period products including tampons and sanitary towels on campus from the Aston Webb Student Hub, the Guild of Students, or Westmere House.
- Casual jobs on campus: Did you know that there’s casual employment opportunities on campus? Worklink connects students with paid casual work that you can fit around your studies. You can also find and apply for job opportunities at the Guild of Students.
- Free access to utilities on campus - Our handy page provides a list of places on campus where you can refill your water bottle, access microwaves, and free hot water. Food Fellows is also bringing micro markets - new self-service vending machines with a convenient microwave and hot water tap - to colleges across campus. Keep an eye out on your Student News for updates, or you can follow @UoBFoodFellows on Instagram.
You're strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible and they are available to you. You may be eligible in the UK if you are at increased risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19. Your GP will be able to advise you. Find out more.
New students are considered to be particularly at risk of meningitis and septicaemia (also called sepsis or blood poisoning). Make sure you know the signs and symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia.
You're strongly encouraged to speak to your doctor about having the Men ACWY vaccine vaccine a few weeks before the start of term, or as soon as possible. International students and those not offered the vaccine by their GP (general doctor) should request it when registering with a GP, which you should do as soon as you arrive at University.
MMR is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against three separate illnesses – measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) – in a single injection. These are highly infectious diseases which can have serious complications. The full course of MMR vaccination requires two doses. Find out about the MMR vaccine.
The NHS are providing the flu vaccine (influenza) to more people this year, including those living with someone who is at high risk from coronavirus. If you're eligible, we encourage you to take it.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Many young adults will have received the HPV vaccine at school. The HPV vaccine is given in two doses, six months apart. It protects against types of HPV which have been linked to risks of different types of cancers, and genital warts.
If you didn't receive it at school, you may be eligible if:
- You're female and were born after 1 September 1991
- You're male and you were born after 1 September 2006
- You're a man who is gay, bisexual, or have sex with other men (MSM) and are aged 45 or under
Trans women (people who were assigned male at birth) are eligible in the same way as MSM if their risk of getting HPV is similar to the risk of MSM who are eligible for the HPV vaccine. Trans men (people who were assigned female at birth) are eligible if they have sex with other men and are aged 45 or under.
Mpox (previously known as Monkeypox)
A smallpox vaccination is being offered to people who are most at risk to help protect them against monkeypox. This includes:
- Some healthcare workers
- Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men at highest risk of exposure
- People who have already had close contact with a patient with confirmed monkeypox
Some sexual health services will be contacting those men that are likely to be at highest risk, others may offer the vaccine alongside other appointments. It may also be offered by relevant employers for healthcare workers. You can visit NHS.uk to find your local clinic or call 111 for advice. It's free to eligible groups. Find out more from the UK government.
Useful things to do
Useful things to do
We have a few more tips on what to bring to make sure you can stay happy and healthy before you study at Birmingham, especially if you’re moving away from home.
Bring all of your important documents: Make sure you bring all the information, documents, and prescriptions you might need about any illnesses or conditions you have. This might include having copies of any diagnoses, or letter to share with a new GP or health service. If you’re an international student, you might want to have these translated into English, and for UK students, you should probably make a note of your NHS number, if known. You never know when you might need them!
Bring copies of your prescriptions: If you take any medicines, make sure you bring copies of prescriptions or details of these medicines. You’ll also want to ensure you have enough medicine to last until you’re able to register with a GP and access a local pharmacy.
Similarly, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, it's helpful to have a copy of your most recent prescription/eye test in case you need replacements. If you get your contact lenses delivered by post, remember to update your address, or make arrangements to collect them.
Help with health costs
Help with health costs
As a student, you may be eligible to apply for support with health costs under the NHS Low Income Scheme. This could help you pay for:
- NHS prescription charges
- NHS dental treatment charges
- the cost of sight tests, glasses and contact lenses
- the cost of travelling to receive NHS treatment
- NHS wigs and fabric supports (check with your hospital for their arrangements for supplying NHS wigs)
To apply, you'll need to complete a HC1 Form, or you may be able to apply online. You may also need to provide evidence such as payslips or information about your student loan. Find out more on the NHS website.