India Institute Fellowship Scheme

The University of Birmingham India Institute Fellowship Scheme supports the visits of researchers to and from India, to spend a period of time at Indian institutions (for Birmingham academics) or at the University of Birmingham (for Indian academics).

India Institute Summer Fellows 2019

Hear from our Fellows

The fellowship scheme aims to:

  • promote research collaboration between leading groups in Birmingham and India through supporting joint projects
  • develop individual capacity through international training and development opportunities
  • build sustainable and long-lasting partnerships and collaboration between the University and institutions in India

By helping the development of research projects, applications for external grants, joint publications, and business and policy engagement, we aim to increase the profile and reputation for research excellence of the University of Birmingham in India.

Women in Research Fellowship 

India Institute Fellows Banner

Promoting equality and inclusion in higher education is central to the mission and vision of the University of Birmingham and to our work in India, which aims to address the challenges of gender discrimination and inequality in today’s globalised society. This University of Birmingham India Institute Women in Research fellowship scheme will enable prominent Indian female scholars from partner institutions, particularly in STEM science disciplines (e.g. life sciences, physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, computer science, health sciences etc - but open to other disciplines as well) to benefit from visiting and being based at the University of Birmingham for a period of time up to six months. The fellowship will contribute £850 towards economy-class international airfares, and offer a monthly stipend of £1500 for up to six months to contribute towards living expenses and accommodation in Birmingham.

Please email the University of Birmingham Indian Institute for a copy of the application form.


The scheme is open to:

(a) academic staff of the University of Birmingham

(b) Indian scholars, with preference given to those from the University of Birmingham’s existing partner institutions in India.

Information about applications

Applications are open across all subject areas, but preference will be given to areas aligned with the priorities identified by the major funds such as Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), Newton Bhabha, UKIERI, the UK Research Councils and Indian funding bodies.

Examples include:

  • Sustainable cities and rapid urbanisation (Newton Bhabha priority area).
  • Public health and wellbeing/Sustainable health and wellbeing (Newton Bhabha and GCRF priority areas).
  • The Energy-Water-Food nexus; Clean air, water and sanitation; Sustainable energy (Newton Bhabha & GCRF priority area).

The application should be submitted by the visiting fellow, with endorsement from the relevant academic line managers in both institutions, including confirmation from the host institution that they will host the visiting fellow for the duration of their stay.

Successful applications will indicate very clearly the expected benefits and outcomes from the fellowship. It will be particularly important to explain how the academic reputation of the University of Birmingham in India will be enhanced as a result of granting the fellowship.

Costs covered

  • Economy-class international airfares up to £850
  • A monthly stipend of £1500 for up to six months to contribute towards living expenses and accommodation. In exceptional cases, longer fellowships may be approved, but a very strong case with clear outcomes will be required.

Please note:

Visiting fellows are expected to cover their own visa fee, travel and medical insurance, and other domestic travel expenses incurred during their stay.


Q: When does the fellowship scheme take place?

A: Applications are considered all year round and visiting fellows could begin the scheme at any time of year.

Q: How long can a fellowship visit be?

A: The scheme provides each visiting fellow with funding for up to six months. In exceptional cases, longer fellowships may be approved, but a very strong case with clear outcomes will be required.

Q: When can I expect to hear a decision on my application?

A: All applications are considered by a panel which meets once a month. Applicants can expect a decision on their application between 4-6 weeks of submitting their application.

Q: Is the cost of consumables covered by the scheme?

A: The scheme provides funding to contribute towards international travel and living costs to support the the research visit of Fellows. Typically, funding for consumables and project-speficic costs is considered to be surplus funding which the India Institute expects the host School to provide. However, the India Institute would be willing to consider a case for surplus funding which needs to be included in the submitted application.

Q: I don't have an academic collaborator at the University of Birmingham or the recieving Indian Institution. Can I still apply?

A: Applications must demonstrate clear collaborative support from an academic member of staff at the University of Birmingham or the receiving Indian Institution. Applications therefore require a reference with a statement of support from the academic collaborator at the School or Department hosting the fellow. If you need assistance in finding an academic contact to support your application, you can get in touch with us at

Q: I am a PhD student at an Indian Institution. Am I eligible to apply?

A: No. The scheme is not designed to fund Indian students seeking to study at Birmingham for an undergraduate/postgraduate degree.

Q: Can an entire research team (more than one applicant) apply to the scheme?

A: The scheme is designed to support individual Fellows who wish to undertake a research fellowship for up to 6 months. If you are a research team from the University of Birmingham and wish to apply for funding to support a research visit to India, it may be best to look into the BIEF – a fund which support groups undertaking short research visits.

Applications are now closed.

Contact us

For further information on the scheme please contact the University of Birmingham India Institute.