Birmingham Academic Career Framework

Our promotion criteria now include five separate contribution areas: Research, Education, Enterprise, Engagement and Impact, Leadership and Management and Citizenship.
Our promotions processes are transparent and agreed to provide detailed and structured feedback which unsuccessful applicants can build upon when moving forward. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) has also been embedded in the promotions criteria
In December 2021 the University concluded a two year programme looking at the “deal” we offer our academic staff in terms of attraction, development and promotion.
The outcomes of this work include:
- Revising our academic titles and developing more flexible career structures
- Reimagining our promotion criteria
- Launching an Early Career Academy for our research and teaching fellows
Title and career structures - our career structure is now:
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
Assistant Professors join the University on a five year development programme with the aim of completing the programme and being promoted to Associate Professor. Early or later completion is possible depending on the circumstances. The programme comprises a variety of developmental opportunities and self-reflection time. A fundamental component of the programme will be developing an effective cohort peer support group from the start and ensuring participants receive regular feedback.
We have three core pathways for our academic staff to follow:
- Research and Education
- Education
- Enterprise, Engagement and Impact
The fourth pathway is Research for Research Fellows and Senior Research Fellows.