Dr Nick Hawes’ new research into the development of robots to be used in care homes and for security purposes was featured in the The Daily Telegraph and The Independent, The Philippine Times, PhysOrg, Wall Street Online, Big News Network, Cambodian Times and the Malaysia Sun. 27.8.13
Dr Nick Hawes’ featured in The Daily Telegraph and The Independent discussing new research into the development of robots to be used in care homes and for security purposes. 26.8.13
Dr Tom Chotia’s xplainer article for The Conversation on destroying hard drives was featured by Business Insider Australia. 26.8.13
Dr John Fossey’s research in collaboration with the University of Bath and the East China University of Science and Technology which paves the way for new systems to detect changes in reactive oxygen levels, which could help target interventions in Alzheimer’s disease and cancers was featured by Health Canal, WebWire, PhysOrg, New Zealand Doctor, Nursing in Practice, E-Science News and Planetauniversitario.com (Brazil). 23.8.13
Dr Zoe Schnepp was profiled as part of the Independent‘s feature, Women in Science. 19.8.13
Doctoral researcher Janvi Shah wrote a feature for the Times of India (Education Times) on pursuing her PhD in civil engineering at Birmingham and how the concept of sustainability and resilience is gaining greater importance in infrastructure engineering. 19.8.13
Professor Russell Beale contributed: Children need help to understand online perils 19.8.13
Professor Stone was interviewed by leading Brazilian national newspaper O Globo on using virtual reality in hospitals to the alleviate pain felt by injured soldiers. 14.8.13