PhD studentships in the Department of Philosophy
A range of AHRC funded PhD studentships for 2014 open for applications until 9 January.
A range of AHRC funded PhD studentships for 2014 open for applications until 9 January.
The University of Birmingham is a leading member of the Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. Recently the AHRC awarded our Partnership £14.6 million to deliver 400+ postgraduate scholarships across a variety of arts and humanities disciplines.
Hence the Philosophy department at Birmingham is delighted to announce a range of AHRC funded studentships for September 2014, via its participation in the Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. The deadline for funding applications to the Partnership, for prospective PhD students, is 12pm, Thursday the 9th of January 2014. Further details for how to apply for these scholarships, can be found from the College of Arts and Law Graduate School's AHRC scholarship page.
To apply for funding, though, students must also have applied for a place to study at the University of Birmingham (online application system) and have already provided two academic references via the University’s application system.
The Philosophy department is currently transforming itself into one of the top departments in the country. We have recently hired two professors (Ian Rumfitt and Scott Sturgeon), two lecturers (Maja Spener and Alex Silk), four Birmingham fellows (Justin Clarke-Doane, Nicholas Jones, Alastair Wilson, and Jeremy Williams), and seven Distinguished Research Professors (Paul Boghossian, Hartry Field, Kit Fine, Alison Jagger, Stephen Neale, Susanna Siegel and Ralph Wedgwood). All of our staff will be available for PhD supervision. And the department will be making further appointments in the very near future.
For further information about our PhD programme, please see:
Prospective students are also asked to contact our Director of Research Admissions, Professor Scott Sturgeon.