Over the last decade, the global wind power capacity has been steadily growing at a strong pace. Gearbox reliability remains however a important issue since they rarely survive the entire lifetime of the wind turbine. By identifying ways to better predict damage to gearboxes it is hoped that Mr Jantara's research will help support the global transition to renewable energy required to address climate change with more confidence.
Reflecting on his award win, Mr Jantara Junior said:
“I’m proud that I received the Best Presentation Award at the National Student Conference on Metallic Materials. I hope my presentation inspires other students, researchers and industrialists to find new ways to improve the operational effectiveness of renewable technologies."
Mr Jantara Junior's was based on the research paper, Initial steps towards damage prediction of wind turbine gearboxes, authored by Valter Luiz Jantara Junior, Dr Mayorkinos Papaelias, Dr Hector Basoalto and Professor Hanshan Dong. His important work is part of the research activities within the NDT and Condition Monitoring Group at the School of Metallurgy and Materials, which is currently led by Dr Papaelias, Senior Lecturer.
Organised by the Advanced Metallic Systems Centre for Doctoral Training, the National Student Conference in Metallic Materials aims to provide students with an opportunity to present their work in a supportive environment and encourage students to establish links with other students, academics and industrialists throughout the UK. This year's conference took place on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July at the University of Sheffield.