The first term of the 2018/19 academic year has been a quiet one for MechSoc, however, we have plenty in the works for next term including careers, social and sports events.
The standout event this term far and away was our welcome event. Over 80 Mechanical Engineering students started the new term with a bang on Broad Street. We were very pleased with not just the total number of attendees, but how well returning students mixed and interacted with first-year students to make them feel welcome.
MechSoc also attended the Engineering and Physical Sciences Societies Fair, where we proudly presented ourselves alongside our colleagues and peers in other brilliant student groups such as WISE, Engineers Without Borders and oSTEM, sports groups such as Eagles Hockey, and course-specific societies like CivSoc and EESE Soc.
Our Christmas Meal was a small and relaxed affair at the Country Girl in Selly Oak. We were pleased by the attendance across the year groups and staff members, who were able to tell us about some of the research they supervise, and even give us careers advice!
The Society’s Friday football continues to be popular. MechSoc FC recently played a friendly match against CivSoc, which resulted in a dominant 9-1 victory for us, and the team currently sits in third place in the Campus League Wednesday A-League. The Friday football sessions are open to all, regardless of ability, so if you are interested come along!
Finally, preparations have begun for the Engineering Ball! The first edition of this collaborative project between MechSoc, CivSoc and EESESoc occurred in March 2017, and in its very short history, it has become one of the most highly-anticipated and well-received events on the calendar for the School of Engineering. Last year’s event saw nearly 250 students and staff attend from the departments of Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering, and we hope to repeat that great success this year. We are aiming to acquire sponsorship for the Ball for the first time this year, which could help strengthen the links between the School and industry, as well as helping students to network with industry professionals.
Next term promises to be more eventful for the Society. As well as the Engineering Spring Ball, we plan to build on the success of last year’s inaugural Mechanical Engineering Varsity Trophy against Nottingham by expanding it to include more universities. We are also competing in the EPS Trophy, a sporting competition between all of the student groups and societies in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
Away from sport, our new hoodies will be delivered early next term, featuring an all-new design made by one of our members. A careers fair, talks from industry, and social events such as a pub quiz and a trip to Rush trampoline park are also in the works for the next term.
On behalf of the MechSoc committee, I would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Best wishes,
Sean Mallon
President 2018-19