ITSEE presentations at SBL in Denver, Colorado

Members of Birmingham’s Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing are presenting at the SBL Annual Meeting in Denver this week.

Denver city centre

Numerous presentations involving current and former members of ITSEE are in the programme book for the SBL Annual Meeting in Denver this week.

On Sunday 20th November, Professor Hugh Houghton and Dr Amy Myshrall will be presenting on “Progress on the ECM of Paul and the Rediscovery of an Important Minuscule” (session S20-137). They are followed in the same session by Zachary Skarka, one of ITSEE’s distance-learning doctoral students, speaking on “New Test Passages for Colossians”, and recent ITSEE graduate Dr Anna Persig on “The Latin Versions in the Editio Critica Maior of the Gospel of John: a Report on their Analysis, Evaluation and Relationship with the Greek Tradition”. Later that day, Jacopo Marcon, a member of the CATENA project in ITSEE who now holds a postdoctoral position in Berlin, will be speaking on “Chrysostom in Chains: An Examination of the scholia from John Chrysostom’s Homilies on Romans in New Testament catenae on Paul” in the session on Fresh Perspectives on St. John Chrysostom as an Exegete (session S20-304).

On Monday 21st November, Professor Houghton is an invited speaker in the session run by the German Bible Society (S21-118). His paper “Fifty Years after Metzger: A New Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament” will introduce his current work on a companion volume to the sixth edition of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament.

In the New Testament Textual Criticism session on Tuesday 22nd November (session 22-128), Dr Persig will give a joint presentation with Professor Christina Kreinecker, a visiting fellow of ITSEE, on “The Double Death of Judas in the Latin Tradition of Acts 1:15–20”. This is followed by two papers from current ITSEE doctoral researchers, Andrew J. Patton on “The Usefulness of Paratextual & Codicological Features of Manuscripts for New Testament Textual Criticism” and Clark R. Bates on “Paratexts as Portals to the Past: A Case Study of the Scholia in the Pauline Epistles Manuscript GA 1424”.

The SBL Annual Meeting is the principal scholarly gathering in Biblical Studies in North America each year. Congratulations to all Birmingham presenters who have been selected to give papers at this year’s meeting, the first to be held fully in person for three years.