Dubai campus hosts its first on-campus masterclass with Head of ACCA Middle East

University of Birmingham Dubai invited Head of ACCA Middle East and alumna to host its first postgraduate masterclass on the Future of Business and Finance.

Fazeela Gopalani delivering masterclass to audience and attendees mingling

The University of Birmingham's Dubai campus proudly hosted its inaugural on-campus masterclass on Wednesday, 3rd May 2023, inviting guest speaker, Fazeela Gopalani, Head of ACCA Middle East, and esteemed alumna, to deliver an exclusive postgraduate masterclass for professionals in the UAE.

As a globally recognised leader in accounting and finance, Fazeela brought her wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, captivating the audience with insights into the ‘Future of Business and Finance’. With over 20 years of experience in the region, Fazeela delved into the evolving world of business, providing a deep dive into how future accounting and finance professionals can adapt to the growing technological and sustainable advancements on a global scale.

The masterclass covered a range of key topics, including the future workforce, ESG, sustainability, adaptive technology, and other pressing buzzwords shaping the business and finance landscape. Fazeela provided extensive insights into the importance of educating Gen-Z to explore careers in growing streams of accounting and finance, such as FinTech, Blockchain, and AI. Her talk clarified preconceived notions about AI taking over jobs in accounting and finance by highlighting evidence-based data on the crucial requirement of human judgement for accuracy in decision-making.

The session was followed by a fireside chat with the audience hosted by Fazeela, accompanied by Dr. Mohammad Khawar, Programme Director of MSc Accounting and Finance, and Dr. Saneesh Edacherian, Programme Director of MSc International Business. This was an engaging opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of the business and finance industry and explore possible career pathways.

The event attracted a diverse audience of working professionals from the region, including prospective and current students interested in pursuing a career in the business, finance, or accounting profession. The evening concluded with networking opportunities between attendees and UoB staff, marking the end of a fruitful and thought-provoking experience.