Nature, Print and Production:A Workshop on Eighteenth-Century Sources in the Cadbury Research Library

Cadbury Research Library - Muirhead Tower
Wednesday 23 May 2018 (16:00-17:45)

For more information contact Professor Karen Harvey


Three current doctoral researchers will introduce particular areas of the Cadbury Research Library collections for eighteenth-century research: bookbinding, horticulture and industrial innovation.

Aurélie Martin (University of the Arts, London)
‘John Baskerville and 18th century bookbinding: from the printing press to the book owner; the 18th century Birmingham booktrade through the material evidences found on books'

Elaine Mitchell (Birmingham)
‘Consuming nature: plants, print and commerce in eighteenth-century horticultural publications’

Tom Rusbridge (Birmingham)
'Observations and descriptions of making, industry and innovation in eighteenth-century encyclopedias: Pluche's Spectacle de la Nature of 1753'

Other eighteenth-century highlights from the collections will also be on display. This event will be particularly useful for staff and students (UG and PG) who have not used the CRL before.