Call for Papers - Caribbean In/Securities and Creativity: Diasporic Dialogues

Caribbean In/Securities and Creativity: Diasporic Dialogues

CARISCC are pleased to announce a call for papers for Caribbean In/Securities and Creativity: Diasporic Dialogues. Following the diaspora-focused conference in 2016, this year’s two-day event will include a conference and an art and research exhibition speaking to the theme of Caribbean and diasporic dialogues, where the role of creativity is highlighted in negotiating the in/securities permeating such dialogues. The event is a result of collaboration between the Centre for Caribbean and Diaspora Studies (CCDS) at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Caribbean In/Securities: Creativity and Negotiation in the Caribbean (CARISCC), an international research network funded by the Leverhulme Trust, which seeks to explore interactions between the precariousness of insecure livelihoods and neighbourhoods, and the negotiation of risk through creativity, in a Caribbean context.

For additional information, please access the full call for papers by clicking here.