CLiC Dickens Evening
- Location
- Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street, B3 3BS
- Dates
- Friday 1 December 2017 (18:00-19:30)
As part of the CLiC Dickens end-of-project celebration, we are organising a dramatic Dickens reading on 1 December.
Actor Simon Vaughan performs Dickens’s own sensational reading from Oliver Twist, first performed in 1868. Dr. Caroline Radcliffe will give an introductory talk.
Admission is free (including drinks reception), but registration is essential (via Eventbrite). Also see the event poster [PDF, 625KB].
This evening event will follow an afternoon of talks and workshops related to the CLiC Dickens project, for which you can register separately.
Simon Vaughan was born and brought up in Yorkshire and educated at the University of Leeds. He later trained at the Central School of Speech & Drama. This is his second appearance as Dickens, having played the novelist in the 2012 BBC documentary "Dickens in Parliament", covering the writer's early career as a political reporter. Recent theatre includes The Winter's Tale, Loveplay, and Nell Gwynn. Simon is also a well-known broadcaster, writing and presenting programmes for the BBC.
Caroline Radcliffe is a lecturer in the Department of Drama and Theatre Arts, University of Birmingham, specialising in Victorian Drama. She has written about the dramas of Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens, discovering and reconstructing a lost song by Dickens, editing the early plays of Wilkie Collins and directing and staging recent productions of them. Caroline has had a long career in performance and when not lecturing can be be seen on the stage or TV, in concert halls and heard on the radio.
[Image credit: Drawing by F.W. Pailthorpe; scanned by Philip V. Allingham]