Mr Joseph Marsh MMath

Mr Joseph Marsh

School of Mathematics
Research Fellow

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Joe is a Research Fellow working under the supervision of Dr Panayiota Touloupou working on modelling intervention strategies for neglected tropical diseases.


  • MMath in Mathematics, University of Nottingham, 2019


Joe's PhD thesis is concerned with integrating whole genome sequence data with traditional epidemiological data in order to better understand transmission pathways through the population, under the supervision of Professor Theodore Kypraios and Professor Phil O'Neill at the University of Nottingham.

In 2023 he joined the University of Birmingham as a Research Fellow working on modelling intervention strategies for neglected tropical diseases with Dr Panayiota Touloupou.


Research Themes

  • Inference for stochastic epidemic models,
  • Bayesian computation,
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo methodologies and data augmentation techniques,
  • Inference for complex, high-dimensional genetic data