Man and a woman with ADMIRE project logo

ADMIRE project details
 Full title ADMIRE project
 Start date 01.01.2017
 End date  





ADMIRE is a consortium composed of eight partners, from five European countries, which works on filling the gap in academic education system in the field of additive manufacturing.

ADMIRE is a collaborative project which aims to create a Metal Additive Manufacturing Master’s degree according to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework. It involves partners from both academia (Cranfield University, University of Birmingham, Bremen University and Instituto Superior Técnico from University of Lisbon) and industry (Manufacturing Technology Centre, IREPA, Global Robots Ltd and EWF), to best tailor the course for current industrial requirements.

AM is becoming a more common part of production due to its numerous advantages (efficiency, flexibility, lower environmental impact). However, since it is still not a mainstream process and it is still quickly evolving, industry is lacking engineers with adequate skills and experience. Additionally, most academic institutions are unable to provide students with education specialised in additive manufacturing which would help them develop these skills.

As a response to this issue, the ADMIRE project intends to design a Master’s degree with a work-based learning approach and multidisciplinary scope which would help close the gap between manufacturing needs and available education. In addition, the project aims to to create a platform to connect students, universities and companies to further promote their collaboration.

ADMIRE project flyer (PDF)

Infographic describing the features of a Metal Additive Manufacturing Masters Degree
Illustration showing partners involved in ADMIRE project