The project team brings together specialists in business sustainability, emergency management, human geography, hydrology and water resource management. By bringing together a diverse range of expertise, the team will more effectively examine the interdependencies between the social, economic and environmental dimensions of flood recovery. Research will be undertaken in three discipline-specific work streams, each led by one of the project's Co-investigators, as illustrated below.

Integration between the three work streams
Stephen Brammer (Principal investigator)
Stephen is Professor of Strategy at Birmingham Business School. His main research interests are corporate responsibility, business ethics, and reputation management. As Principal investigator, Stephen will take responsibility for i) monitoring and enabling the progress of the research against the planned timeline, ii) ensuring integration across the project's work streams through facilitation of a series of project team workshops that span the life of the project, and iii) collating and producing the project's interim and final reports.
View Stephen's full profile here
Layla Branicki (Co- investigator)

Layla's research focuses on organisational resilience, the implications of social media, sustainability and relationship between politics and international business. Layla will take responsibility for i) work stream 2 which encompasses data collection, analysis and dissemination in respect of the recovery and future preparedness of businesses directly and indirectly impacted upon by flooding, and ii) leading engagement with policy makers at local and national level in relation to the project's key findings.
View Layla's full profile here
Steven Emery (Co- investigator)
Steven is an interdisciplinary environmental researcher whose work focuses on the relationship between sociocultural values and environmental practices, interventions, policies and governance. Steven will take responsibility for work stream 1 which focuses on the role of social justice in respect of the recovery and future preparedness of local communities.
View Steven's full profile here
David Hannah (Co- investigator)
David is a physical geographer with interdisciplinary research interests focusing on complementary themes within hydroclimatology (the interface between hydrology and climatology). David will work with other Co-Is on work stream 3, focusing on hydrological aspects of the project, as well as providing project-wide guidance and mentorship.
View David's full profile here
Megan Klaar (Co- investigator)
Megan is an interdisciplinary scientist, whose research focuses on the linkages between geomorphology, hydrology and ecology. Megan will lead work stream 3, which encompasses data collection, analysis and dissemination in respect to the hydrological and environmental characterisation of flood events across the research sites. Megan will also lead the project's continuous communication and engagement with academic and non-academic beneficiaries through management of the project's web and social media presence.
View Megan's full profile here