We investigate rates and drivers of biogeochemical reactions and processes to identify dominant processes and understand how rates and dominant processes may shift in response to future global change. To tackle these research questions, we focus on multiple scales both in the field and laboratory. Field experiments spanning entire river networks to small-scale reaches provide understanding of in-situ processes, however, identifying dominant drivers can be difficult in complex, real-world systems. In small-scale laboratory experiments environmental variables can be tightly controlled and manipulated to predict responses to changing environmental conditions, however, these experiments do not always reflect in-situ conditions. The unique ECOlab facility, the UK’s largest outdoor flume facility, provides an intermediate of scales and level of control on environmental conditions, with more realistic systems where potential drivers can be tightly manipulated, improving our understanding of ecosystem biogeochemistry. This combination of experimental approaches allows us to improve understanding and predict responses of biogeochemistry to changing environmental conditions and to improve policy and management strategies.
Global Change Ecology
We use field observations and experimentation to understand how environmental change is altering the structure and function of river ecosystems. Our strengths lie in arctic and alpine stream ecology, unravelling the linkage between climate, cryosphere and aquatic communities, and assessing climate impacts on river flow regimes and associated trophic interactions and foodwebs. Use of the ECOlab outdoor flume facility enables replicated mesocosm experimentation to assess the impacts of droughts and heatwaves on wide range of key ecosystem processes.
Environmental sensing
Accurate measurements of water quality and quantity, at environmentally relevant timesteps, is required to improve understanding and management of freshwater ecosystems. Our research focuses on the development of new sensors to enable reliable quantification of water pollution (organic enrichment, nutrients, sediment and microplastics) and explores opportunities for low-cost solutions to monitoring water quantity in challenging environments (e.g. mountainous terrain). We are optimising the use of sensor technology for a range of research and applied applications. Specifically, improving calibration methods, sensor network design and data processing and analysis. We collaborate with industry to provide innovation in the water sector and nationally and internationally to address water related problems globally.
Hydrological extremes
Access to safe water and sound management of freshwater ecosystems are key requirements for human health, prosperity and security. It is vital we understand how global change is altering water in the environment: (1) to provide reliable information on water resources, hazards (flood, drought) and their impacts on people’s livelihoods and ecosystems, and (2) to develop sustainable water policies and adaptation strategies that benefit society and our planet.
The UN World Water Assessment Programme has identified better knowledge of large-scale water cycle processes as essential for socio-economic development and global water-food-energy security. Key contributions of our research on climate-river flow interactions at regional-to-global scales have: (a) yielded first observation of trans-Atlantic river flow teleconnections with significant implications for understanding links in the global water cycle; (b) quantified the climatic sensitivity of river flow regimes across large geographical domains; and (c) identified hotspots and sources of uncertainties (from multi-model ensemble experiments) for low river flows/ drought and high flows/ flood over the 21st century at the global.
River temperature exerts very strong control on water quality. Projections indicate marked river temperature increase under climate change - with severe consequences for freshwater organisms, many of which are intolerant of high temperature extremes. Our extensive research on river water temperature has provided new understanding of fundamental river heat exchange processes and controls on thermal behaviour, particularly the moderating roles of riparian land cover and hydrological interactions.
Water pollution
We undertake research into contaminant transport and fate with a strong focus on microplastics, for example, the '100 Plastic Rivers' project. This research area has included a strong public engagement aspect via the Birmingham in Action campaign. The Birmingham Riverbeds campaign has developed and supplied toolkits for sampling water and river sediments around the world, to measure the extent of the microplastic crisis. This project endeavours to supply reliable, vitally needed data for assessing the plastic pollution in our river networks, underpinning work to establish and tackle risks to both human and environmental health.