Outputs from community health workers

Selected outputs from community health worker projects:

Taylor R, Mathers JM, Parry JM. (2016) Why do clients engage with community health workers but not health professionals: An empirically-informed and theory-based model for high income countries (in preparation)

Taylor R, Mathers JM, Parry JM. (2016) A conceptual framework for the mechanism of action of community health worker services: the centrality of social support. American Journal of Public Health (with Journal)

Taylor R, Mathers JM, Parry JM. (2016) Who are community health workers and what do they do? Development of an empirically-informed taxonomy for high income countries. American Journal of Public Health (with Journal)

Mathers JM, Taylor R, Parry JM. (2016). Measuring the impact of Health Trainers Services on health and health inequalities: Does the Services’ Data Collection and Reporting System (DCRS) provide reliable information? Journal of Public Health (in press)

Mathers JM, Taylor R, Parry JM. (2014) ‘Community-facing’ to ‘NHS-facing’: Integrating novel peer-led service innovations within professionalized health systems – an analysis of longitudinal changes in the English Health Trainer Services. Milbank Quarterly 92: 725-753 

Atfield T., Parry J.M.  (2012) The Poor will always be with you: an assessment of the redistribution of resources within two Church of England dioceses.  Practical Theology 5.3: 321-39

Taylor R., Atfield T., Mathers J.M., Parry J.M. (2011) How will the ‘Big Society’ impact on health improvement activities delivered by lay people? Journal of Public Health 33:5-10

Draper H., Ives J., Greenfield S. Parry J.M., Wilson S., Gratus C., Petts J., Sorell (2009). Non-professional health care workers and ethical obligations to work during pandemic influenza. Public Health Ethics (published online Oct 1 2009) doi: 10.1093/phe/php021

Cotterill S., Parry J.M., Richardson M., Mathers J.M. (2008) Quasi-experimental evaluation of the health impacts of the New Deal for Communities urban regeneration scheme. Critical Public Health 18;(3): 311-332.

Mathers J.M., Jones S., Parry J.M. (2008). Exploring resident non-participation in the New Deal for Communities urban regeneration programme: rationality revisited. Urban Studies 45: (3) 591-606.

Parry J.M., Mathers J.M., Laburn-Peart C., Orford J.F., Dalton S. (2007). Improving health in deprived communities: what can residents teach us? Critical Public Health 17 (2) 123-136.