Some people experience lack of interest or difficulties with sex after a mini stroke (TIA) or minor stroke. These can be caused by emotional changes, relationship problems or physical problems.
How can intimate relationships be affected?
Some people experience lack of interest or difficulties with sex after a mini stroke (TIA) or minor stroke. These can be caused by emotional changes, relationship problems or physical problems.
Some people are worried that sex can cause a stroke; but, you are no more likely to have a stroke during sex than at any other time.
It is important to discuss your feelings with your partner and listen to each other. This isn’t always easy, and you may find it difficult or embarrassing to talk about things like a lack of desire or sexual function. The resources below can help you understand and communicate your problems.
Speak to your GP if you need more information and advice.
Useful resources
Different Strokes: Q&A videos with Dr Giles Yeates a Neuro-psychologist and Couples Therapist: