
How the CReST team use your data

Patient data in CReST is collected and stored in line with University of Birmingham Data Protection guidelines (

In addition to University of Birmingham guidelines, CReST trial data is treated in the following ways:

What categories of personal data are obtained?

Personal details such as your name, date of birth, and NHS number, are collected at the beginning of your involvement with CReST. This data is pseudoanonymised to a 4-digit 'trial number'. The CReST team will only ever refer to you by your trial number.

Who will be receiving your personal data?

Your personal data will be received exclusively by the CReST trial team based at the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Birmnigham.

How long will my data be held?

Your data will be retained at the University of Birmingham for a length of 15 years. This is the usual amount of time data is held for clinical research in the UK.

How we get your data.

We get your data from your hospital. Long term data is collected from NHS Digital (

Will my data be used for automated decision making or profiling?

Data collected for CReST are used exclusively for research related to the CReST study. Your data will not be used for any existing automated decision-making processes, such as profiling.

What is the legal basis of my data being collected and held?

Your data is held, with your permission, in the interest of public health, and in line with the current Data Protection Act (2018). 

For more information on how we use your data please see the Birmingham Clinical Trials Units' Data Sharing and Protection Policy.