What is SOLVE?

The SOLVE Trial is a large, simple, “real-life” trial that will determine reliably whether the Dilapan-S cervical dilator is more effective than the Propess pessary for inducing labour.

How will this fit in with current working practice?

In order to obtain the large number of patients needed to provide reliable answers, and to maximise the clinical relevance of the findings, the trial is designed to fit in with routine practice as far as possible and to impose minimal additional workload by keeping extra evaluations to a minimum.

Will I get a mention in any publications?

Because the success of the trial depends entirely on the whole-hearted collaboration of many doctors, nurses and others, publication of the main result will be in the name of the collaborative group and not those of the central organisers.

Who is funding the Trial?

Medicem International (the manufacturers of Dilapan-S) is funding the Trial

How is the Trial being organised?

Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust is acting as sponsor for the Trial. Prof Janesh Gupta will be Chief Investigator on the Trial, and the administrative duties will be undertaken by Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Birmingham.

The recruitment phase will last approx 24 months. There will be no follow-up of patients, as all interventions and data collection will be undertaken on the ward itself.

Anything else?

If there are any other questions you would like to see answered on this page, or have anything you'd like to share, please email the team at SOLVE@trials.bham.ac.uk

Please see attached document for further FAQs