Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub Team

Meet the Team

Professor Ruth Roberts 

Professor Ruth RobertsRuth is the Director of Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub and the Chair of Drug Discovery; alongside being the co-founder of ApconiX, an integrated toxicology and ion channel research company.

Previously, Ruth was Global Head of Regulatory Safety at Astra Zeneca (2004-2014) and Director of Toxicology at Aventis, Paris (2000-2004). Ruth is former president of several international scientific societies and is current Chair HESI Board. She has received numerous awards for scientific impact and has over 180 publications in peer reviewed journals. Ruth is interested in developing and implementing innovative models in drug discovery and development.

Dr Angela Murray

Angie MurrayAngie is the Programme Manager for Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub. Her role is to support early stage drug discovery research across the University and move it towards clinical use and patient benefit.

Angie did her PhD in Biochemical Engineering at UoB. In her spare time she likes going to the gym and restoring vintage telephones.

Priya Bhatt

Priya BhattPriya is the Project Officer for Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub. She holds a MSc in Mathematics and has worked in a variety of project roles at the University of Wolverhampton, before making the move to University of Birmingham in September 2022.

Priya is the first point of contact and the one you're most likely to hear of when collaborating with BDDH! She also manages and organises the Drug Discovery Club seminars which run every 4-6 weeks, alongside a variety of tasks within her role.

Professional Services Partners 

Dr Veemal Bhowruth - Senior Business Development Manager (Life Science Lead)  
+ 44 (0)121 414 9090