Events for the public
Brain Awareness Week 2022
Celebrating international Brain Awareness Week – raising awareness on brain research, brain disease and health – together with the Schools of Biosciences, Psychology and Medical School.
“Looking into the brain of a fly”
- Saturday 19 March 2022 at The MAC (Midlands Art Centre), Birmingham
- Sunday 20 March 2022 at The ThinkTank Science Museum, Birmingham

Why Fruit-flies?
For more videos on our research, please visit our YouTube channel.
The 3D-Printed Fruit-fly
We all learn more easily when we can hold, touch, feel, break apart and put together again an object. We have made a 3D-Printed Fruit-fly and a 3D-Printed Drosophila brain.
You can get and download the files to print yourself here, or you can order from us a full-printed, assembled and painted fruit-fly or fruit-fly brain.
You can also get post-cards, images and posters on the 3DPrinted Fruit-fly, 3D-Anatomy of the Fruit-fly, the Fruit-fly brain here.

For more, visit the Hidalgo 3-D printed Fruit-Fly site.