Research Highlights


Professor Ole Jensen - Co-Director for the Centre for Human Brain Health
Professor Ole Jensen, Co-Director of the Centre for Human Brain Health, describes his research into the influence of brain oscillations, as can be measured using the latest magnetoencephalography (MEG) system. This research, combined with data from EEG-fMRI, EEG-TMS, intracranial recordings and computational modelling, is used to understand the basis of attention problems in ADHD patients and the elderly, and to guide diagnosis and intervention.


Professor Andrew Bagshaw - Co-Director of the Centre for Human Brain Health
Professor Andrew Bagshaw, Co-Director of the Centre for Human Brain Health, is interested in developing and applying non-invasive neuroimaging methods to questions in clinical and behavioural neuroscience. Current work focuses on using EEG-fMRI to understand the influence of ongoing brain activity on evoked and behavioural responses, and examines the localisation and functional significance of electrophysiological discharges in epilepsy and sleep.


Dr Chloe Chiou - Research That Matters
Dr Chloe Chiou’s research focuses on studying motor cortical involvement in postural control in healthy and in clinical populations. Her work utilises neurophysiological measures to investigate the control of movement and how it is affected or adapted following central or peripheral injuries. Her research interests also include improving the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises using neuromodulatory strategies. She has experience in neural imaging in the brain and spinal nerves with a particular interest in understanding relationships between structure and function of neural pathways.


Birmingham Heroes: Professor Matthew Broome talks Youth Mental Health
Professor Matthew Broome conducts research into the onset of mental disorders focusing particularly on schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, and mood instability. With approximately three quarters of problems manifesting before the mid-20s, it is crucial that we understand how these disorders develop in young people. This knowledge will allow the team to inform the development of services for those with mental ill health, and help to indicate how early these services should be provided, as well as suggest new avenues for treatment.

Birmingham Heroes: Professor Rachel Upthegrove talks Youth Mental Health
Professor Rachel Upthegrove investigates early intervention into what are often still considered ‘severe’ mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, and questions how we define ‘mental illness’, how early is ‘early’ when it comes to intervention, and what these interventions should be. With depression considered one of the most prevalent mental health disorders in society today, Rachel focuses on its role in the development of psychosis. Research has shown that whereas in the past much of the focus within psychosis has been on symptoms such as hallucinations, the development of depression is one of the most significant symptoms requiring intervention, and one of the most significant initial indicators of poor outcomes, including self-harm and suicide.