Primary care for underserved populations

The University is undertaking a body of research involving some of the most disadvantaged members of our society. By directly engaging with the vulnerable and the marginalised and increasing our understanding of their social, economic, and cultural environments we can better meet their specific needs.
Aims of the research
Aims of the research
The research adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to tackle a range of issues including childhood obesity, recognising and addressing domestic abuse and violence, and improving access to care amongst the homeless.
Current research groups
Current research groups
Childhood obesity
The SUPPORT (SUpporting health Professionals to help Parents address OveRweighT in children) study explored the experiences of primary health care professionals in discussing with parents the weight of their children. Led by Dr Miranda Pallan This study intended to address the reluctance to have conversations with parents about their children achieving a healthier weight.
SUPPORT (SUpporting health Professionals to help Parents address OveRweighT in children) Study
Risk, Abuse and Violence
A multidisciplinary group led by Dr Caroline Bradbury-Jones in the School of Nursing and Midwifery brings together research and evidence in relation to risk, abuse and violence. This is intended to inform education and clinical practice in health and social care. The research expertise across the group includes nursing, economics, public health, psychology, dentistry and social work.
Risk, Abuse and Violence programme
Improving access to primary care amongst the homeless
Dr Vibhu Paudyal is interested in research in relation to improving access to primary care services for persons experiencing homelessness. He has led research undertaking healthcare needs assessment in homeless population through qualitative studies and analysis of healthcare utilisation data; and development and evaluation of innovative service models to improve access to care, particularly in the context of extended roles delivered by pharmacists.
Chandan JS, Gokhale KM, Bradbury-Jones C, et al Exploration of trends in the incidence and prevalence of childhood maltreatment and domestic abuse recording in UK primary care: a retrospective cohort study using ‘the health improvement network’ database BMJ Open 2020;10:e036949. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-036949
Bradbury-Jones C, Clark M, Taylor J. Abused women's experiences of a primary care identification and referral intervention: a case study analysis. J Adv Nurs. 2017 Dec;73(12):3189-3199. doi: 10.1111/jan.13250.
Bradbury-Jones C. Domestic violence and nursing: multiple perspectives to tackle a complex problem. Journal of Research in Nursing. 2016;21(5-6):342-344. doi:10.1177/1744987116654999
Pallan MJ, Griffin TL, Hurley KL, Lancashire ER, Blissett J, Frew E, Gill P, Griffith L, Jolly K, McGee E, Parry JM, Thompson JL, Adab P. Cultural adaptation of a children's weight management programme: Child weigHt mANaGement for Ethnically diverse communities (CHANGE) study. BMC Public Health 2019;19:848.
Pallan M, Griffin T, Hurley KL, Lancashire E, Blissett J, Frew E, Griffith L, Hemming K, Jolly K, McGee E, Thompson JL, Jackson L, Gill P, Parry J, Adab P. Cultural adaptation of an existing children's weight management programme: the CHANGE intervention and feasibility RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2019;23:1-66.