Birmingham Energy Institute welcomes David Vaglia
Thursday 12 May 2016, 16:00pm – 17:00pm (followed by a drinks reception)
Alcoholic drinks will be served only to those who are aged 18 or over
Lecture Theatre G35, Chemical Engineering Building (Y11 on the campus map), University of Birmingham
Consequences from the Fukushima Daiichi Event
David will explore the impact that the Fukushima Daiichi accident had on Japan and the nuclear industry, the Japanese Government’s response as well as the reaction of Japan’s Nuclear Energy Industry to the accident. The lecture will also explore lessons learned and changes made that enhance plant safety. The lecture will also provide a present day status of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi and their projected future.
David Vaglia has his roots in the energy engineering sector. He began his career in the coal mining industry, working as an applications engineer in power distribution, and electric train haulage systems, both above and below ground.
He has also worked in the renewable energy sector, investigating new concept wind generation applications and solar thermal systems. He transitioned to instrumentation and control working with supervisory control and data acquisition systems and then to the Man-Machine Interface design of nuclear power plant control rooms.
He is a registered Professional Engineer working in the state of Pennsylvania and has has been an active in the IEEE for nearly 40 years. He is a senior member serving the Pittsburgh Section (Region 2) in various capacities. His volunteer positions have included Section Awards Chair, Treasurer, and Section Chair. In the IAS-PES Pittsburgh Joint Chapter, he has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair. He has also served as the General Chair of the 2008 PES Annual Meeting.
He is presently Chair of the joint chapter of the IAS and PES, Pittsburgh Section.
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