Environmental Humanities

The climate crisis and adaptation pose a challenge to culture, society, and law as well as science and technology. Researchers and students in the College of Arts and Law are working at the cutting edge of understanding all dimensions of this challenge through our commitment to environmental humanities.

Our work helps us to understand how religion and belief intersect with climate crises, discover their historical roots and implications for social and cultural inclusion, explore how popular culture helps us to understand and respond to the issue, and create the legal frameworks needed to ensure a just and effective climate transition.


If we are to reach a sustainable future, we first need to be able to imagine it.

Professor John Holmes

Environmental regulation and inclusion 

Plastic waste on a beach

We’re helping shape new laws around the mining of critical materials and manmade chemicals, as well as supporting more inclusive climate activism and sustainable farming around the world.

Environmental history and religion

A kayak near ice bergs

We’re examining prehistory to help with rewilding and using the arts and religion to engage the public with protecting our natural world.

How we interpret and respond to the climate crisis

Actors performing

We’re working with scientists and practitioners to compose music, poetry and plays that deal with our relationship to nature, as well as nurturing sustainable practices in the creative industries.

Environmental and sustainability-focused degree courses

People taking photos in the snow

All of the following courses contain focus on or include environmentalism and sustainability. But every undergraduate at the College of Arts and Law can also take a module in sustainability.


