Image management in politics: ancient and modern

University College London
Thursday 8 June 2017 (13:00-14:00)
  • "Nothing is so unbelievable that oratory cannot make it acceptable."
    Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-044 BC)

This event will showcase important and exciting speeches from classical antiquity, especially from the Greek orator Demosthenes and the Roman orator Cicero. Experts in ancient oratory will explore the tactics, techniques and topics employed by these speakers, especially in relation to their exploitation for image management. These insights will then be compared with examples of English speeches by present-day politicians. You may be surprised to see the results of this juxtaposition.

Teaching of Classics began at UCL in 1828, two years after its foundation. At the turn of the century A.E. Housman, poet and scholar, held the Chair of Latin, while more recently T.B.L. Webster, Professor of Greek from 1948 to 1968, made outstanding contributions to classical studies. It was he who supported Michael Ventris' efforts to decipher Linear B. A prime current interest, initiated by Professor Sir Eric Turner and continued under his successors, Herwig Maehler, Cornelia Römer and now Nick Gonis, is the study of fragmentary papyrus texts from Egypt and Herculaneum.

This event will be delivered by Professor Gesine Manuwald, Head of Greek & Latin Department, and Chris Carey, Emeritus Professor of Greek.

Venue: Pearson Building, G22 lecture theatre, UCL