Seedcorn projects

What is the objective of the scheme?

We can support your new and emerging interdisciplinary research collaborations through our Seedcorn projects scheme.

These projects ‘seed’ new interdisciplinary collaborations across campus and produce preliminary results suitable for first publication and onward significant funding applications. Ongoing research support for future grant applications is available through the SMQB professional services staff.

What topic should the seedcorn project be on?

Projects can address any biological or healthcare challenge, using mathematical and computational approaches. There is no subject or research field requirements beyond that. You can find out more about our previous projects below:


However, if your project fits within the remit of the N-CODE network - to use neurotechnology to improve the diagnosis and management of neurological conditions in the community - then projects can be supported via N-CODE instead. Please contact Dr Rebecca Ward, SMQB Programme Manager (

How do seedcorn projects work?

Seedcorn projects last 6 months and project teams are paired up with a SMQB fellow with the necessary quantitative skills to drive the project forward. The fellow will work with you for 50% of their time over the 6 months.

Funding of up to £10K per project is also available for consumables, essential travel for project teams and activities to disseminate the results of the project such as PPIE or outreach. Projects are also eligible to be paired up with an Artist in Residence who collaborates with scientists to bring new perspectives and insights into the research project, while leading on creative outputs where they transform and interpret the research into artform. Funding for creative artwork is provided in addition to resources needed to deliver the scientific project.

To maximise the 6 month duration of this pilot funding, seedcorn projects kick off with a 2 day facilitated event led by SMQB Director Professor John Terry. Two investigators (who must include the PI) from the project team are required to attend this off-site event. All travel and accommodation (if required) will be provided for the attendees. Teams will work with their SMQB fellow to further develop their project plan, integrating the skills of the fellows into the project, and agree milestones, ways of working and formulate and agree the budget. Sessions are also held with professional services staff around industry engagement, budget planning, identifying future sources of funding applications and with our AMIGOIs (our lay PPIE panel) to develop PPIE plans.  

Who can apply?

Project teams need to include at least 2 investigators from different disciplines - typically a biomedical or clinical scientist, and an investigator from a quantitative discipline such as maths, computer science or engineering from across UoB and the associated NHS Trusts. Teams can include industry partners.

You are strongly advised to discuss your ideas with one of the SMQB centre fellows in advance. We host informal drop in events across campus to facilitate this prior to applications opening. Applications will open again in Spring/Summer 2025 and any updates on these events will be posted here in due course.

What data do I need in advance?

Please note that projects strongly dependent on collection of new data are unlikely to be suitable for support through this mechanism given the short time frame of the projects. Data should predominately be available or accessible.

How do I apply?

Applications are submitted by sending a complete application form to Dr Rebecca Ward. Applications will open again in Spring/Summer 2025 and any updates (including the application form) will be posted here in due course.

How are projects assessed?

Applications will be assessed by the SMQB Steering Group with input from our Centre Fellows and all successful teams will be notified by early May.

Hear Centre Director Professor John Terry explain SMQB’s funding opportunities
Case study one presented by Dr Leandro Junges
Case study two presented by Dr Yolanda Hill
Case study three presented by Dr Wessel Woldman