A monthly series of reports from the Real Times project was launched in 2014. Unfolding tales of voluntary action began with the story of third sector activities in "Larch" – a relatively deprived village in the north of England in mid-2010. Qualitative data collected for Real Times gives a unique vantage point to observe the main influencers of change, and how organisations respond and adapt over time.
Part One
Divine Intervention The story of third sector activities in 'Larch', a relatively deprived village in the north of England.
Part Two
'The Boss' Surviving organisational crisis in a family support project: 'Hawthorn'.
In the coming months this series of short papers will be telling some of the unfolding stories arising from our longitudinal case study work.
Each instalment draws on some of the rich data generated through the research, linking it to wider debates and literature about the sector.
The aim is to add to conversations about the everyday realities of voluntary action in different contexts.
Please send us your feedback:
- how do your experiences compare with the stories told here?
- does what you read in these instalments resonate with your knowledge and experience?
Please email Rob Macmillan, Real Times research lead: r.macmillan@bham.ac.uk
This series is produced in partnership with the Changing Landscapes for the third sector project at the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds.