Identification of children with disabilities in the early years in global settings (INDIGO)

This is a 12 month project led by the University of Liverpool to generate evidence for the diagnostic utility of items in neurodevelopmental screening tools for the early identification of children with neurodevelopmental disorders in low and middle income country settings. 

The tool needs to be feasible, valid and reliable with good sensitivity and specificity. A tool with these properties will then enable a better understanding of the epidemiology and aetiology of these disorders in the future.

As part of this research, we will be establishing a network of researchers who will focus on understanding neurodevelopmental disorders in the global context in order for us to conduct future studies utilising a bank of items which are valid, feasible and reliable for identifying and predicting neurodevelopmental problems in the longer term. More specifically, through this network we will aim to identify existing cohort studies that capture child development, to explore the potential for alignment of both existing measures and future data collection and to develop research capacity in this area by sharing expertise and good practice in conducting relevant cohort studies in varied contexts using mixed methods. 

Contact details

Paul Lynch:

Medical Research Council


2018 - 2019