Year in Environmental Sustainability

The challenges of a sustainable future, driven by factors such as the climate and ecological crises and population growth, are increasingly evident. We need graduates with the skills and ability to lead in these areas more than ever before. Expertise and knowledge of environmental change and associated sustainability challenges underpins sustainable development and is increasingly sought after by employers in fields as diverse as education, engineering and pharmaceuticals.
To respond to the demand from students, employers and the government for more education in Environmental Sustainability, the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham offers a Year in Environmental Sustainability (YES). It allows students from unrelated disciplines the chance to gain foundational knowledge of the area of environmental sustainability and enhance their work-based skills through studying topics such as global environmental issues, environmental research, earth systems, evolution and ecology.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a common framework and a unifying language that promotes collaboration, measurement and accountability at a global scale https://sdgs.un.org/goals). The interdisciplinary approach of a number of modules, in particular One-Planet Thinking and Living, will provide an opportunity to engage with the SDGs and their application at a local scale using the University as a Living Lab. This will enable students to develop crucial transferable skills and better understand the connections with their ‘home’ discipline at the same time.
In a degree with a 'Year in Environmental Sustainability’, the additional year is undertaken in the penultimate year of your original honours degree. In the additional year you will study modules underpinning environmental sustainability, and in your final year you will return to your home subject.
You can sign up to the YES in the year of study before your intended ‘Year in Environmental Sustainability’. For example, if you are studying a three year programme, you would sign up in Year two, study the YES in Year three, and return to your original programme in Year four. You will need to fulfil the necessary entry requirements before being considered.
Once admitted, you will follow modules offered by the College of Life and Environmental Sciences and, for that year, you will be tutored and supported by the college.
Currently the Year in Environmental Sustainability includes the following modules (you must study a total of 120 credits). Please note that the modules available may change as the curriculum evolves.
Core modules (you must take these):
- One Planet Thinking (20 credits; Semester 1 and 2)
- Connected Earth, Environmental Systems and Change (20 credits, Semester 1)
- Introduction to Evolution and Animal Biology (20 credits; Semester 1)
- Ecological Concepts and Plant Sciences (20 credits; Semester 2)
Optional modules (you must take two of the following:
- Societies, Space and Place (20 credits, Semester 1)
- Earth Materials (20 credits, Semester 1)
- Environmental Human Geography (20 credits, Semester 2)
- Environmental Pollution and Management (20 credits, Semester 2)
What are the entry requirements?
The Year in Environmental Sustainability is available to all students who:
- are studying any subject other than Biological Sciences, Geography, Earth Sciences (you should check with your programme lead), or
- achieve a point average of at least 55% in their second year of study and can provide evidence of their average in the first year;
- demonstrate their ability and enthusiasm for the course in their application.
Please note that whilst a conditional offer can initially be made, admission onto the YES cannot be confirmed until the results of your current year examinations are released and you have the permission of your home school.
What do I get at the end of it?
Successful students will graduate with a degree in their home subject, with the addition of 'with a Year in Environmental Sustainability. A full transcript of your marks for the year you spend with us will also be available to you and can be supplied to potential employers.
The Year in Environmental Sustainability is assessed on a pass/fail basis. Credits gained during the year will not contribute to the credits required for your main degree, nor will marks contribute towards your degree classification in the main subject. In this respect, the YES is similar to a 'Year Abroad/in Industry' and for this reason, the YES should be considered an integral part of your degree.
What does it cost?
In terms of cost, the Year in Environmental Sustainability should be viewed simply as an additional year of study.
If you pay your own tuition fees, then you will have an extra year's tuition fee to pay. For those eligible, an additional year of study loan should be available to apply for - please contact the Student Loans Company to arrange this (confirming you wish to study an additional Year in Environmental Sustainability as part of your degree).
How do I apply?
There is no need to decide now, you will be able to apply for the YES in the second year of your studies at Birmingham following a discussion with your tutor.
For enquiries about the Year in Environmental Sustainability, please contact Dr Mike Cassidy.