11th December - The challenges of building a state anew: Egypt in the early Middle Kingdom
5th December - Approaches to the Byzantine novel
4th December - Building God's empire: archaeology, religion and the Byzantine reconquest of Africa
27th November - For Themistocles of Phrearrhioi, for the sake of honour'. A new perspective on the Athenian institution of ostracism
21st November - Morale and discipline in the Ottoman army,.c.1450-c.1600
20th November - Lachares and Menander: a theatre-historical look at POxy 1235, col. iii, 103-12
14th November - Byzantium and Africa: a new frontier
13th November - Magistrates' accountability and epigraphic documents in the Greek cities: accounts and inventories
31st October - Byzantium: commonwealth, empire or nation-state?
24th October - Bridging the Gap: processions in early medieval Constantinople
23rd October - Debating Tiberian political discourse
17th October - English chaplains and the Greek Church in 18th-century Aleppo
16th October - A report on the 2019 Bays of East Attica Regional Survey (BEARS) Project
10th October - Islamisation and Sufism in Mongol Anatolia and beyond
9th October - Tom Irson's head: a case study in the reception of Lucian of Samosata
21st March - Flavius Josephus in medieval Greek and Latin Histories: some cross-cultural approaches
20th March - Making Time: Physical Manifestations of Time in Ancient Art
14th March - Francis Bacon in Ancient Greek. Nikolaos Mavrokordatos (1680-1730) and cultural mobility
7th March - Consular networks, shipping routes, and the Ottoman world in the late 19th century
6th March - Medicine, Empire and Difference in the Roman World
28th February - Greek Adoptees Anonymous: adoption, memory and Cold War Greece
27th February - Recasting the Chorus: Non-citizen choral performers in fifth and fourth-century Attic drama
14th February - 'Remnants of Byzantium': the uses of the past by the expatriated Greeks of Turkey
7th February - Kantakouzenos' daemon: providence and persuasion in late Byzantine historiography
6th February - Winckelmann's love letters: epistolarity, sexuality and classical reception
31st January - Unlikely migrants: slavery, emancipation, and race in the Reform-Era Ottoman Mediterranean
30th January - Dido: Reclaiming a Carthaginian Queen
24th January - Interpreting the Constantinopolitan landscape: A Rus traveller in Byzantium
23rd January - Ovid's Metamorphic Roman Cycle: Epic after Ardea Burns
17th January-17th February - Environment, economy and landscape in early modern Cyprus
16th January - Wearing Rome: the toga and the Roman man